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RE: The Elevator Race to the Bottom

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I am glad that smallsteps is fine.

Indeed being healthy isn't as profitable as sickness to these corporations and that is something I am mindful of in my daily living.

It is also crazy looking at these reoccurring names in most sectors, never really went deep enough to research.


never really went deep enough to research.

Most don't or never will read those that do, because they are not interested enough to find out what causes their issues, they just want a vaccine to feel protected :)

I haven't been vaccinated yet maybe that is why, I'll make more research now that I know.

Me either.

Do you ever plan to?

Not if I can help it.

I don't plan on either but then again if I want to travel it is pretty much compulsory, also working in the public sector.