LEO Premium will be a lead domino for INLEO’s growth in my opinion
It will positively impact:
- Liquidity for trading
- Increased Author earnings who become Premium
- UI differentiation
- …many more downstream effects
LEO Premium will be a lead domino for INLEO’s growth in my opinion
It will positively impact:
Will it increase my author earnings if I'm already popular AF? ;-P
haha yes. I have estimated Premium members will earn at least $20-$50 more per month than before they were premium
Only time will tell if I'm right but I think it will be around there
I’ll be there, but let’s get Leo to x10 through adoption/investment so it’s $200-$500 more 😜
Love what you are doing with the $10! Nice model
very interested to see how it turns out…. Liquidity for trading would be key
Uhoh... will #freecompliments become #paidcompliments?! 😱
Jokes aside, these are very impressive strides in taking the most significant factors of Web 2.0 and using them in a manner befitting of Web 3.0. Pioneering in action.
Network was so bad I couldn't get the key fact about Leo prenuim, hopefully there will be a second time to talk about it.
awesome as always
If earnings increases do you guys have a plan to prevent token dump?
Same amount of LEO is in the rewards pool, so no it won't have an impact in that regard
Actually will have a positive impact since the premium $$ that comes in goes to buying $LEO on the market
November yes?
Actually LeoAds is November 1st
I'm pushing the team to get LeoPremium out by this Friday (2 days from now)
Things are heating up!
so fucking ready
I mean, I know that those who don't subscribe will still be able to use the platform freely, but does that mean they won't have opportunities for growth? Or does it simply mean that they will have less growth and exposure on the platform?
Everything you say about LeoPremium is excellent, but I have a question: What will happen to those people who do not subscribe to LeoPremium for some reason?
The fact is I support the premium version. I know many people have something’s to say as giving it out for free but whatever. If this is going to bring a good change to inleo it’s cool. But I have a question I fail to ask in the AMA talk…
can I ask?
Excited to become a premium user ;)
what will be done with the liquidity rewards?