Miner Mysteries & Bitcoin's Invincible Charm

in LeoFinancelast year

In this clip from the special edition AMA, Eric and I talk about the markets and also talk about News2Threads - one of LeoFinance's newest developments to bring high quality, real-time info to Threads.

'News to Threads' not only revolutionizes news aggregation but also torches 100% of its rewards, potentially encouraging enthusiastic upvoters among you to fan the flames and burn some LEO rewards.

Speaking of crypto, let's dive into the murky waters of miner behavior and stock movements. With net outflows from exchanges signaling a trust deficit in centralized platforms and a budding romance with private wallets, we also address the looming specter of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Could this menace disrupt Bitcoin's reign or solidify it as an international treasure?

Fueling this debate is the cozying up of institutional giants like BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink, to Bitcoin's irresistible allure. But don't get carried away by this whirlwind romance; remember the timeless mantra and stay diversified.

pssst have you seen @leofinance's proposal to double the userbase of Hive? It's officially live and waiting for you to vote and support it getting funded! The proposal outlines our strategy to grow the Hive blockchain by 9,615+ monthly active users using our LeoInfra Lite Account protocol and bring the masses to Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha