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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Hive Holding Above 80 Cents (09/5/21)

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Sunday is just an idea I floated out there Tulio. No decision has been made on that.

I'm just not sure as to which day might attract the greater number of participants (and therefore the greater number of comments).

Need more time to think this one out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You know what? That's an interesting question. Which day of the week does it start to get hopping around here. I think we can safely say it isn't the weekend. Just a guess only, I pick Tuesday as that matches the internet in general.

On Mondays, people are catching up on weekend work. Tuesday is the day they have a little free time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with your theory on Tuesdays! But my intent is not to encourage more comments and engagement during the 'busy' times where it is already present.

I am looking to provide a vehicle to spawn engagement during the 'slow' times to boost LMT comment count. Both days of the weekend are very slow on LMT from a participation standpoint. My goal is to provide a reason for people to come to LMT when it is so slow and engage.

Anyone can post bullshit comments to increase both their individual comment count (as well as the count for LMT. We see that all the time (and I fear we will see more of it as there is now a significant financial incentive behind commenting). So I looked for an interesting and 'in the news' topic to spur meaningful discussion.

I think I have fulfilled the goal with respect to choosing topic, but, my query now is during which slow period will the gaming vehicle maximize meaningful comment production. Saturday or Sunday - Morning, afternoon or evening. And I'm not sure if I have the luxury of playing trial and error as yesterday was just basically a test run so I do not know if the traction is there for this to become a sustained run.

Sorry for the long response, I was thinking out loud (in written form).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I understood completely what you're trying to do, and was thinking out loud myself. But that's the issue isn't it? Saturday everyone is having the night out. Sunday, they're going to church and getting ready for work on Monday.

As far as time of day, I've found that if I comment after 4PM-ish, it usually gets lost as people tend to fade away until the new post goes up after 8PM. So my guess is it would be best between 8AM and 4PM. But which day is indeed the question.

If I were given 10 seconds to pick a slow weekend day, I'd choose Saturday 8AM-4PM.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Funny, that's exactly what I I split the difference and picked noon as a start time.

Right now I'm leaning toward leaving the day and time as is. I think the only way I'll change it, at least for next week, is if I get a big response from the community to the contrary.

You helped - a lot - and I thank you for it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That seemed to work very well for engagement. I especially liked how you managed to get two threads going instead of just the one. The announcement of the announcement lives on!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That was totally unintended. I really wanted to keep everything under one "official" thread for ease in assessing the viability of this endeavor.

Guess next week when I do the morning reminder, I'll just have to add a disclaimer to the announcement: "Please do not respond to this post!". Either that, or skip the morning reminder altogether.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Maybe you could do the reminder the day before and then on the next day just jumpt straight to it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

B.S. comments happen at any time of the week; we can't help that.

Holding the SPT/P2E discussion on the weekend to drive engagement then is genius. Excellent idea.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I had made a post about this way long ago .

I think I discovered that day doesn't matter ( weekday ) but timings is 19-21 UTC is most active .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My problem with determining a time and weekend day is divergent inputs. On the one hand I'm seeking to address slow comment creation times (and improve production), but that is juxtaposed to the fact I need enough people to create the comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, I got it

Could be worth a try just to see how it goes. But it was a good first day so maybe Saturday ends up being the sweet spot

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think so , Saturday is usually drink and relax day lol .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha yea thats true! But we had a busy day so I guess people were drinking while commenting :P

I know I was LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta