Think it’s clear that hive is controlled by those with the highest stake and maybe what you show here is a form of gaming the system/rewards pool. I’ve not enough knowledge or understanding to say either way.
That's exactly why I'm bringing it to light, so it can be discussed, debated, explained, and even if nothing changes, at least a lot more people will know what's going on.
Personally I’ve nothing against those who’ve invested heavily having a bigger say than someone like me but recently there’s been a lot of hypocrisy and disingenuous reasoning. Be nice to see some honesty instead of pretending it’s fair and decentralized.
This is exactly the reason I keep making posts to shine light on various parts of this. I don't have a problem with a system designed around stake-is-all being run by the handful of folks who hold most of the stake... but stop pretending like 20 witnesses, held in place by 10 voters, is somehow "decentralized."
Hive is ran by people and people are inherently flawed by greed and ego, therefore it will never be perfect.
talked about creating systems to better incentivize positive behavior, to disincentivize harmful behavior, etc. Since we know who will be playing the game (humans), it makes sense to design accordingly, so we don't end up with another system that rewards those who act like psychopaths, even if they're not.Very true; and one of the things that really got me hooked originally was the way that @dan
Found it quite amusing to read a post bemoaning how the author had been pestered by a down voter for reasons of revenge. Strangely, this particular author avoided all the usual verbal abuse and downvotes from the usually outspoken whales, folk who quite often say they will downvote “any” post that moans about this subject. Ironically, this post was massively over rewarded (IMO).
zero tolerance policy for posts discussing down-votes getting rewarded...Ya, I was waiting for @smooth to come in and zero that post out, since he has a
One rule for you, one rule for their mates.
Same reason every politician only wears a mask when they're on camera.
I don't think I saw it.