✨ Lend money / Prestar dinero [EN-ES]✨

in LeoFinance10 months ago

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Hello, with some thought and with the help of looking up the definition of microloans I found that they are a financial tool designed to offer small amounts of money to people who do not have access to traditional banking services or want to obtain loans without the need for a lot of requirements and documentation.

They are often accompanied by extremely high interest rates, which can lead to difficult financial situations for borrowers, because you can get out of a tight spot but for a large interest, generally I have seen that these loans are paid quickly to avoid paying many fees, but depending on the country you live in a microloan can be 10$ or 200$,** for you how much money would be a microloan.**

Previously I was in a community where they borrowed 20% for a month and you had to go paying in 4 parts starting to pay from the first week, what do you think would you take these loans, usually what they commented those who receive the loan is that they need urgently because their salary is received a few days later but need to buy immediately some article.

In the ecosystem of leo or hive already exist microloans, if it exists what do you like the most about the service?

I also see that loans are based on reputation and trust of people, but because of the trust of novice lenders, I have seen many scams if someone lends you money that you can't pay back and you don't answer for the money you are a scammer, because of that learning I like much more the loans with collateral or with a guarantee, if you would lend money you would ask for a guarantee, also I would like to know if you were offered a loan you would leave a guarantee.

Everyone at some point needs a loan, so it is always good to think about these options and evaluate if you need a quick loan, how much percentage you would pay.

In my case I like to think about the interest that my HBD savings account generates and the interest that my credit cards charge me, this last one makes the HBD savings evaporate, however I plan to pay my credit cards, and try to make microloans that is why I would like to know your opinion, suggestions and ideas, to start the idea of course adjusting the service to the need of the user, because if there is no interest there is no need to create the service.

Hola pensando un poco y con ayuda de buscar la definicio de micropréstamos encontre que son una herramienta financiera diseñada para ofrecer pequeñas cantidades de dinero a personas que no tienen acceso a servicios bancarios tradicionales o quieren obtener prestamos sin la necesidad de muchos requisitos y documentaciones.

A menudo vienen acompañados de tasas de interés extremadamente altas, lo que puede llevar a situaciones financieras difíciles para los prestatarios, porque puedes salir de un apuro pero por un gran interes, generalmente he visto que estos prestamos son pagados rapidamente para evitar pagar muchas comisiones, pero dependiendo del pais que vivas un microprestamo puede ser 10$ o 200$, para ti cuanto dinero seria un microprestamo

Anteriormente estaba en una comunidad donde pedian prestado el 20% por un mes y tenias que ir pagando en 4 partes comenzando a pagar desde la primera semana, que opinas tomarias estos prestamos, por lo general lo que comentaban los que reciben el prestamo es que necesitan con urgencia debido a que su salario lo reciben unos dias despues pero requieren comprar inmediatamente algun articulo.

En el ecosistema de leo o de hive ya existen microprestamos, si existe que es lo que mas te gusta del servicio

Tambien veo que los prestamos se basan en la reputacion y la confianza de las personas, pero debido a la confianza de los prestamistas novatos, he visto muchas estafas si alguien te presta dinero que luego no puedes pagar y no respondes por el dinero eres un estafador, debido a ese aprendizaje me gusta mucho mas los prestamos con colateral o con una garantia, si prestaras dinero pedirias una garantia, tambien me gustaria saber si te ofrecieran un prestamo dejarias una garantia.

Todos en algun momento necesitan un prestamo, por ello siempre es bueno pensar sobre estas opciones y evaluar si necesitas un prestamo rapido, que tanto porcentaje pagarias.

En mi caso me gusta pensar en los interes que me genera mi cuenta de ahorro en HBD y los interes que me cobran mis tarjetas de creditos, este ultimo hace que los ahorros de HBD se evaporen, sin embargo pienso pagar mis tarjetas de creditos, e intentar realizar microprestamos es por ello que me gustaria saber tu opinion, sugerencia e ideas, para arrancar la idea claro ajustando el servicio a la necesidad del usuario, debido que si no hay interes no hay necesidad de crear el servicio.