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You are in. Twice! :)
I didn't realize that you mentioned interest to participate in two separate comments, and I ended up writing your name down twice.
I have expanded the game to 4 teams of 5, because many showed interest.
You are in two teams.
Please read my latest post on the updates.
Good Luck and Thank You.

P.S. I sent the memos in the order of teams. So the first memo you received from me should be for the first team you are part of and the second memo should be for the other team. If it doesn't make sense let me know, I can verify which one is for which account. Thanks.

Okay... I got the two. And I really didn't mean to leave two Comments and cause this issue.

The first was a reply to someone that tagged me and the second was a reply to the post itself.

As for the memo, I got the two and it's upto 130 alphabets or thereabout. I hope that's the right thing. Or not?
