If you are new on LeoFinance, you got to read this!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

New Lion in a brand new den .. Now what?

There is sure one or more reasons that motivated you to create a Leo account and I believe that you will soon realize how powerful that makes you! (Read on, trust me)

So you are here, in a brand new interface that probably looks nothing like the other social media platforms where you interacted. You see posts making dozens of dollars and you may be wondering what do do next and how you will be able to compete with those / reach them / succeed!

Well, let me tell you some secrets and share my philosophy. Read on to know that have helped me in the past 3 years, where I daily blog on steem (initially) / hive (since its creation) / leofinance (since my revelation, thanks to my friends @trumpman, @cryptomaniacsgr, @steliosfan)



You need to clarify and think about your expectations from the platform. Why did you join? What do you expect from the platform?

When I joined (steem back then) my expectations were simple, to learn as much as I could about the blockchain world, right from the information source!

When I joined leofinance, I wanted to connect with like minded people, entrepreneurs and people who know the crypto space very well! I wanted to learn, I wanted to be able to interact with them and also share my views, my findings, my opinions! All this knowledge coming with an extra bonus :) Some cryptocurrency :)))


LeoFinance is a community where most of us interact with each other on a daily basis. Even if we have not met, we know the person that we comment on their posts. Usually we know some info such as country, interests, favorite coins, expertise etc etc .. so we are not just talking with avatars. We are talking to real people. Because we don't just comment 'to comment'. We comment to ask, to learn, to share.

You are now officially a part of leofinance community! Welcome and enjoy!

Are you a real person? Prove it (Introduction post)

You may start writing to other people's posts, and most likely they will move over to your profile to see who you are. Don't you also do it?

What will people see when they visit your profile?

Make sure you fill in a short bio/description, a website (it could be one of your social media links), a profile picture and of course ... at least a first post!

You need to take some time and think what you would like to share as your first post. Somethings about yourself, about why you joined leofinance, about your plans, your interests .. and anything you feel that you would like to share. It is not necessary to use a photo of yourself or your first/last name or your address! But we need to know that you are a real person :)

Check out some of the trending posts or some of the newest introduction posts

And then what?

Then, I suggest that you just .. enjoy the ride :) Read content you like, comment, think of what to post and create! We love to see fresh content by new lions! Share what you like to do, your investment options, your crypto experiences, news that have surprised you and would like to let us know about, rewarding games that you enjoy playing and so on.. The list is infinite ...

Enjoy the ride, sit tight because we are ready to take off!


Some general rules to follow

(These apply to all social media platforms ;))

I hope that this post will be helpful ;) Please comment below if you have any extra questions!

Who am I?

I am Katerina from Crete, Greece. An enthusiastic content creator with a passion for photography. Interested in the blockchain technology, in new social media platforms and in trying to educate new users who wish to explore the blockchain social media world and its possibilities!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's great to see many new people joining up, especially lions!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for this post @katerinaramm. I have followed most of this advice.

One thing I had trouble with is updating my avatar photo. Every time I try I see a success message, but strangely the new photo never appears 😪

My second question has to do with the LEO token. First how does value flow in LeoFinance. Second what are the LEO tokenomics? What does it mean to stake it? Is it the traditional proof-of-stake concept?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will check the issue with the avatar and let you know :)
About the second question, please refer to this link
and ask me here or on twitter if you have more questions :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excellent write up! Especially aimed (my opinion, not yours) to those who come here and their first goal is to earn while they have no knowledge of finance or crypto at all.
You pointed out your first priority has been/is to learn and I can see myself in you as that has been/is my primary goal, while earning some tokens. The opportunity to learn here is huge and you have the advantage to learn from other people's mistake, sparing you from making your own mistake.
And as you said, meet interesting people, make friends and enjoy the journey!
(hugs as I'm on my laptop and don't have emojis)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much :) There is so much I have learnt in the process, that I really wish to find a way to share in an easy and fun way with others :) I hope I can manage it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We all learn, except those who don't care, just here to milk the reward pool. Many can't even realize how lucky we are to have a place like Leo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Doing an introduction post is indeed highly useful. I've realized I should have done one when I already was blogging for months and ever since thought that now it's too late to do one ;-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi! I think the same.. I wanted to make one for leo since my introduction was made on steem 3 years ago and since then much has changed ..
This post may serve as a personal reminder to re-introduce myself :)
Thanks for dropping by!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This should be pinned somewhere, so we could redirect all newbies to it.

Extra :) Delegate an extra 20HP for 7 days until you make your own :) https://giftgiver.site/

This is something I guess many doesn't know of. When I find someone new that I think need it I usual use that website to delegate to him/her

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This should be pinned somewhere, so we could redirect all newbies to it.

I couldn't agree more!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I do that too with all new accounts that I notice :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

such knowledge and useful information gathered in one post! Only Katerina can do that!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much for everything, I will take it into account to improve leofinance, and another question, can I place any image in my publications?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, of course you can place images! Just make sure you have the right to use them.
You can find plenty of free to use images in sites such as pixabay, pexels etc
Let me know if you need extra help :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much I will take it into account, and of course if anything I need, I will ask you

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good to know :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

is too late for me make introduction post? I didnt know if it was be useful for first step 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have also no introduction post :)))
It is not obligatory, it is my personal opinion!
It is never too late, I am also thinking of making my own!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Me too still thinking and doubt for made introduction post because i think is too late and worry will violate the rules 😅
I just want to write article about my impression after one week active writing article in Leo Finance

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a wonderful idea, I will be looking forward to read this :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have published, kindly to check it out my simple impression after one week ini Leo Finance 🦁😇

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would like a suggestion, I have this account for some time in Hive, I just discovered LeoFinance and I want to participate and learn, do you recommend I continue with this account or create a new one dedicated only to LeoFinance? I have seen that many people do this and I wanted to know what you would recommend me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi, thanks so much for visiting my post :)
Well it depends, some of my friends have made an alt account only for curation but they still post with their main account.
I use my main account for everything, but I can gather up some info and come back to you or with a post about it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

oh That would be very good, it would help me a lot to know more opinions about it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just got here and I must say I really needed to see this post. God knows that even while I am reading it, most things are still confusing.

I know I will be a little bit confused for a while, but I hope that by the end of the week, I will be able to find my foot since you already said everyone here is prepared to help as long as we ask questions.

I don't know if there is a way to save post here but I have already bookmarked this page on my computer so that I can always reference it when need be.

Thank you so much for taking the time out to show the newbies around, I appreciate this on behalf of all of us.

I will ask for clarity on this before I go. WHat do you mean by "Extra :) Delegate an extra 20HP for 7 days until you make your own :)"
Thank you very much

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks so much :) I will respond to your main post :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi @katerinaramm thanks for your article, this help me to understand about this platform. I just joined today and need guidence article for beginner. I already save your link article for me btw :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome to leofinance :))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good stuff for all new Leos , glad you nailed it .Enjoy the ride of cat gif. thank you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My usernames of HIVE and Twitter, @tin.aung.soe and Tin Aung Soe, is my real name.
Honestly, I have reached on this Platform because I expected Money, Friends and Knowledge.
I am not a good content writer.
I do the real thing I can.

Your content is useful for Newcomers.
Thank you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much for your advise. At first I thought this was a platform to make money writing, the more writing more money. But I noticed it isn't like that. It's better to write quality posts and provide useful information because the content level here is very very high. Unlike other platforms.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks so much @katerinaramm
Este es un post muy instructivo y alentador, soy nuevo en esta comunidad y todavía no encuentro sobre que escribir.

Me diste muy buenos consejos

Thank you @katerinaramm
I could understand many things about LeoFinance

Hello @katerinaramm.
I loved reading your article.
It’s really simple and beautifully drafted.
Have been around here for sometime yet I consider myself a newbie due to my prior limited involvement.
Will take heed to all your advices herein after.😊✨

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for sharing the idea and your experiences during here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

thank you...it's very useful...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a perfect article! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta