Financial Goals for 2021?? hmmm..

in LeoFinance4 years ago


2020 was a crazy way to start this new decade. The 2020's will be life changing in ways we couldn't imagine. Money is already changing right before our eyes. With the recent run up of cryptocurrencies, there is no better time than now to express and explore potential financial goals for this year.

"Which is going to be your investment strategy for 2021?"

Investing is something very foreign to me. Growing up in Hawaii I have picked up some anger toward the history that Hawaii shares with America. But being exposed to crypto recently, one successful investor said "don't get mad, get educated". This is something I have started doing for the past 3 months and it has already started to change my life. This year being new to investing, it is my strategy to educate myself more through applying myself to things that enhance the experience of investing. Blogging has become one of these new strategies I have been using to learn more about investing. The engagement through my own posts, and educating myself through the awesome articles written on has helped me a bunch.


Another way that I have been applying myself is through the use of decentralized projects to earn crypto. These methods are not ways to get rich but ways to experience and become exposed to crypto. There is nothing like the actual thing to learn from. Along with my research and the great feedback I receive, I am confident that I will continue to be exposed to these new great potential projects. This will also allow me to take on the HODL attitude with these projects since, for my situation most of these projects will be little to no initial investments involved. Staying excited without the emotions of actual investing is one of the great things about this. Little risk, great education.


The last strategy I will try to implement in my goals this year is CONSISTENCY. To slowly use what I learn to perform the ultimate plan, which is to practice crypto day trading and investing in the right HODL projects. I soon will receive my MCO visa card, pandemic stimulus and I have just received an opportunity for a home remote job doing customer service (I have been unemployed for 2 years now). I have also been demo trading on BitYard. This has been very helpful to learn a little about actual trading. So with all of this lining up, I hope to get my trading started soon. Planning on starting with 200$ from stim, and then with a recurring buy in of something small like 100$ a month or 25$ a week to practice the day trades.

To summarize my investment strategy:

  1. Get educated
  2. Become more exposed through application
  3. Trading crypto with consistency

"Do you have any specific assets that you want to invest in?"

Besides the forerunners BTC and ETH my research and exposure has led me to become bullish on these coins:

  • CRO (
  • ADA (Cardano)
  • UNI (UniSwap)
  • DOT (PolkaDot)
  • XLM (Stellar)

And I am really bullish on these tokens:

  • CYFM (CyberFM)
  • LEO (LeoFInance)
  • XYO (Coin geolocation Dapp)


Besides my recent interest in crypto another asset that I want to eventually invest in is real estate. Even if a small one bedroom unit or something. But something small that I can call my own, I have been having these thoughts and visions of creating these passive incomes and the ultimate way I have seen so far seems to be through real estate. Hopefully my investments in crypto assets will be profitable to where I can do some research on real estate towards the ending of the 2021.

checking out the future.jfif

These are some of my plans and goals for this year. The first 3 days of the year is starting off with some crazy FOMO. Things are looking good for crypto and all of us that are looking into it. If you are interested in participating in this fun activity you may follow up on the details on this post from leofinance. Its fun to express goals, belief and confidence built through passion and expression allows for manifestation.

Thank you so much for checking this out and I look forward to reading more great articles on this subject. Hope you have a beautiful day and year in 2021, Long live the blockchain!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You have probably done a post or something on it, but I have never heard of XYO (Coin geolocation Dapp). What is that?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Its a Dapp that can be found in the app store. It is a friendly introduction to crypto. It is a geolocator, the layout is similar to AR games like PokemonGO or Ingress if you are familiar with those. The interface is like a gps system and as you move around your marker will collect points from the tiles you cross. They have some really cool features to create interaction with the users creating a gaming experience. The points earned in-game can be redeemed for XYO coins and many other prizes. I will go ahead and create a more detailed article on this dapp. I still use it and have accumulated 3k points so far over the last 3 weeks. I am a stay at home father, so I don't do much traveling, but one of the cool features is that they allow you to create a 'auto collect' button and a 'Home' feature, where if you want you can leave your app on and it will collect the tile you are on periodically. I do not leave this on indefinitely lol but its a simple way too still collect if you cant travel. At 10k points I can redeem for equivalent amount of XYO. I have 7k more to go, then I will create a follow up article on my experience of all that good transferring stuff. Thx for reading and I will reply to you here once I finish my intro article for "Coin: Always be earning"

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow this sound cool, something like Aircoin than? Will definitly read that article when it comes Just finished it man! Come check it out and let me know what you think

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey nice, looked at the article and this looks really nice. Didn't just get, how long is it before you could possibly withdraw some earnings?

you can redeem your points at anytime once you have reached the requirement. For example once you have 10,000+ points you can redeem those points for an equal amount of XYO crypto currency. That is the cheapest redeemable item right now. But they also have some things like hoodies, t-shirts, hats and some cool collectible silver lining coins for around 30k points. Once I reach 10k points I will be redeeming for my first XYO crypto and updating my review on the project then.

Thank you for sharing AirDrop which is very identical but AD looks to support multiple crypto by the looks of the pics. I will be diving into that dapp shortly after I cash in for some XYO so that I can compare them and make experienced suggestions between the two platforms.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Looking forwad to hear more about that! :)

AirCoin? hmmmm now time for a new material for me to research lol thanks bud!! hope u find the dapp interesting thanks again for the read \m/

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta