I think pushing the agenda of AI taking out jobs is stupid. Just like the internet and computers instead of taking jobs is adding jobs and new businesses. 20 years ago all those Uber drivers, youtubers and tiktokers wasn't a thing. And you don't see millions of people fighting tooth and nails to get a paper stamp office jobs or a spot at the local UPS.
Even relatively unsophisticated, uneducated people find places on OnlyFans or with minimum investment launch a podcast. I agree not everyone make a living out of that immediately but that's just business and the ability of start up more complex businesses will become easier as AI start getting more and more dominated by humans.
I think the whole globe will get their web 1 moment where most of the money is online and most of the demand is online and people can sell their things online very easy and without the need o banks which has hurt the most of the societies in third world countries. Banks are slow and complicated to become a legit merchant in places like Nigeria or India or Brazil.