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RE: The Chance to Sleep Easy

in LeoFinance2 years ago

People who have been established with their financial adequacy, let alone who can still live a simple life with all the wealth they have, are almost always free from stress and pressure, (despite their good stress management).
In my observation, a successful person always prepares the best cadres to continue his business and business knowledge, the rest is to become a humanitarian donor. It was all done to maintain the existence of their business values ​​even when he was no longer working, he was happy to see his cadres were also successful beyond him and who became donors, they wanted to be remembered by the next generation when he was gone.

Btw, for the value of time with whom we should spend it, I really admire many things from Smallsteps that inspire your happiness, Mr @tarazkp.

Every generation in parent-child relationships always hopes and does their best to do something better, right?

When I was a child, I couldn't have a small bicycle because of my parents' incompetence, so when I became a parent, I bought my little one a bicycle and quickly gave cycling lessons so that he could walk around the complex where I live. his little friends and at night, he can sleep soundly after he tells the cycling route they took.


"Simple life" isn't so simple, is it? :)

I am not sure if people even want to be remembered these days, but they do want to be memorable in the moment, to make an impact on their world. It is hard when there are no resources.

Smallsteps is my guiding light :)

Simple things like riding a bike become significant things for both parent and child - it is amazing what value there is in family, yet a lot of people avoid it.