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RE: Investing in Hive Tokens as a Newbie

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I agree! I spent my whole evening learning about different tokens and at bed time i thought, i can't let this go to waste! post!
So, i stayed up way past my bedtime to get this written!

if post-apocalypse off grid world happens, we must agree to wear shirts with our hive names on it so we can find each other in the wild hahah

but really overall, my goal is to get enough passive income with all this crypto stuff just SO i can spend more time outside :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


exactly. I'd like to be able to get a wee bit of land and grow food and have some passive income coming in from the digital world.

I definitely like the idea of shirts with our hive accounts on them. also with our profile picture on a hat.