Why do I believe that WEG is the company of the future?

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Hello people from all world and Leo Finance.


Today I want to write to you about why I think WEG is the company of the future. In addition to being the best Brazilian company today, in my opinion, it is on the way to being the best company of the future.

So, WEG is a company that emerged in the south of Brazil in 1961, initially producing only electric motors. In 1971 it made its IPO on our Brazilian stock exchange, that is, it has been on the market for several decades and, since then, it has never suffered any loss and has made the investor's capital multiply immensely in these years.

For you to have an idea of ​​the return that WEG gave to shareholders. Those who bought their shares 20 years ago and reinvested the dividends, had a return of 10,684%. Those who bought it 15 years ago and reinvested the dividends had a return of 852%. Those who bought it 10 years ago and reinvested the dividends obtained a return of 829%. Those who bought it 5 years ago and reinvested all dividends had a return of 250%. That's it, looking at today's quotation. That is, it is a company that brings a huge return to the shareholder!!

WEG is a company that invests heavily in technology. Around 50% of its revenue comes from products it has developed over the last 5 years, that is, its engineers work hard researching and producing new products for the market. It is a very competitive company.

WEG's profit grows close to 20% a year on average for over a decade. It is considered a "little watch" company here in Brazil, given its constancy.

In addition to all its currently sold products, which are many and for different areas, WEG, which works practically with energy, wants to enter the electric car sector.

Here in Brazil this idea is still incipient, but in Europe, USA and Canada it is already a reality. I imagine that in a few years this technology will arrive here and WEG will be able to benefit a lot from it, both manufacturing motors and electrical components and building charging stations.

The world is wanting to leave dependence on oil aside and bet on electricity. For these factors and for this being WEG's expertise, I imagine it as a company of the future.

I hope I'm right and that it can make many shareholders happy as it always has.

Thank you all and have a nice weekend!!

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