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RE: Grinding into pHBD/USDC

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Its just part of a learning curve. The worst way to go in crypto is to react to it, like if its tanking do not pull out you just will learn that when things are going great thats the signal to do the hard thing and pull out. The biggest problem then is sitting on your hands. Always remember you dont need to get rich quickly. The market will present opportunities nearly every single day so there is no rush at all. The market will hand it to you if your patient and keep your powder dry either in fiat or in bitcoin. The problem now is its going to be a fire sale and everyone is skint and gone all in already.


Thank you for the wisdom. Reviewing the last couple of years, I can see my biggest mistake was not taking profits along the way. As you say, its a fire sale now, and there is no dry powder to bargain hunt.

No matter, the lessons have been learned, and when the recovery kicks in, I'll be better prepared.

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