Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Back To Work I go...

in LeoFinance3 years ago

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Honestly I have been working, just not the traditional trading dollars for hours 'W2' kind--wage slavery if you will. Realistically I'm not fully ready to pull the plug on the dollars-for-hours thing just yet.
So 'back to work'. In that light, I just started a temporary contract doing my traditional work as a network engineer. It's fully remote and has flexible hours. It's been months since I logged into a router or switch, so I'm kind of looking forward to it. I already got shipped my work laptop, so I'm raring to go. I like that this project has fixed length. What would be really nice is to string some of these projects together, with a week or two in between. I think I could sustain myself indefinitely that way. I'd still entertain working in some capacity within the Crypto/Bitcoin space. I did interview with a blockchain company a couple weeks ago, but it seems they were not an @joshman fan. Oh well. No matter what happens, my mind will remain fixed on maximizing self-sovereignty, and reducing my dependence on 3rd parties.

With the recent dip in crypto prices and the macroeconomic situation that was probably a good thing. I can rely on crypto less for cash flow and can continue to stack Bitcoin. I've also sold the house I've owned for 18 years, and will start renting another house about 15 miles away. While my rent will be significantly more than my mortgage, it will be good to no longer be anchored to a state that continues to get worse. With that I have also managed to sell while the housing prices are still inflated. That will free up a bit of capital with which I can stack some sats and buy some more raw land. I own about 100 acres and wouldn't mind owning ten times that much.

In any case, I'll have a lot less time to do things that interest me more in the short term. However the extra cash flow coming in to help facilitate my move will sure be welcome. A temporary project will keep me in the right mindset. It will keep me nimble and not allow me to become complacent. It will keep me hungry and force me to continue the hustle.

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"What would be really nice is to string some of these projects together, with a week or two in between. I think I could sustain myself indefinitely that way."

No question. If one call pull it off, that would be excellent. An "external" source of income, while not being completely enslaved to it. I hope it all comes together for you. Given your skillset, I would think you have an excellent chance of success.

Interesting decision to sell and rent for more ... Yes, if you can manage to invest in the right "corner(s)" of the cryptosphere, you may be better off. And, as you say, it definitely frees you up for options to become more mobile, if you ultimately feel led to move in that direction.

All the best to you and yours, for a better tomorrow (this one ... well ... not so good ...)!

Thanks. I needed to detach myself completely from this state. I want to own again, but it will be acreage in a state that is more free.

I understand. Now retired, we have considered moving back to the Pacific Northwest, given its history in our family. But ...

The entire "Left Coast" seems to be in competition with each other as to who can conduct themselves more "progressively" (how is it these morons end up "stealing" these words ...). Uggghhh ... Gives us serious pause as to why we would willing "sign up" for that ...

It's quite contradictory to how things works in my part of the world. People would hold on to their houses whether they've owned it for up to 30 years. However it's good to see you setting up different priorities. With the dip, it's quite important to stack up. Who knows whether we'd see further dips, it's been an unpredictable cycle. I believe 2020 will mellow with the price and all that. Hix go have you back after a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was a difficult decision, but I don't want to be attached to this part of the country any longer.

Yeah i understand, owning such properties can actually tie you down. It's probably for the best.