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RE: Forkcoin?

in LeoFinance2 months ago (edited)

Blackrock is a huge firm made of lots of individuals. The guys at the top don't care about Bitcoin, it's just another profitable ETF. The guys running the fund care about not messing it up- which is about key security, and proper protocols for share issuance and redemption.
If they somehow did push for a forkcoin and it destroyed the value of the ETF for Blackrock, they would be unemployable anywhere. (In investment management because they broke ranks and actively changed the composition of what should have been a passive fund, and in crypto space because they architected a destructive forkcoin.) If they somehow pushed for a forkcoin and it created value for Blackrock (somehow? through greening the chain? generating forkcoins that they could sell off profitably?) they would personally capture none of it (because compensation packages for administering a passive ETF do not included bonuses based on the performance of the underlying).

TLDR- no individual at Blackrock would benefit enough from pushing a forkcoin to compensate for the career risk of pushing a forkcoin and having it blow up in their face.


Very good! Thank you for this additional insight! 🫡👋