Survive or Die.

in LeoFinance7 hours ago

When I first started college nine years ago, I needed to develop unique skills in order to survive. I was unique in that I was dealing with a chronic condition, and the skills I needed to develop were most likely only useful to me.

Imagine people crossing a shark-infested river, followed by a blind person crossing the same river. When it came to feeding, I preferred to eat less and save enough money for transportation. Sometimes I went to a restaurant and had to rely on others for food.

I knew I did not have enough money, but I went to the restaurant expecting to get food, and I usually did. I sometimes rely on the goodwill of others to feed and purchase study materials, and while I eventually dropped out, I occasionally reflect on my rare survival skills and wonder how I got through many difficult and unimaginable situations.

Humans are extremely adaptable because it is either that or we perish

Our survival instincts are primarily driven by our abilities and limitations. I mentioned a blind man crossing a shark-infested river; in reality, it appears that the blind man may not survive, or his chances are slim, but there is always the possibility of survival.

I believe there are some things that we consider impossible, and they are, but with people, our abilities, and how much we can do to survive, it is impossible to write them off.

Many people do things to survive; modern medicine, technology, cryptocurrency, and other forms of enablement mean that people can now push themselves beyond limits they would not have been able to before

I read about a man who lived and survived for 70 years with iron lungs. On the surface, it appears almost uncomfortable; some people may be unable to imagine living their lives in such a limited manner. The easier option is probably to give up; in some cases, we choose to give up, particularly when we have tried everything and nothing works.

Many people are limited in life, fighting battles against those who are far better off. Inflation affects both the poor and the rich, and the former cannot even win, but this unfair fighting situation is what drives people to persevere.

People would do things they could not imagine themselves doing if it meant survival.

The fear of extinction leads to unwarranted innovation.

When it comes to money, people do unusual things because it can essentially buy them comfortable lives. I agree that survival can be difficult at times, but we must either innovate or drown.

To survive and see another day, we must sometimes put up with some of life's most unpleasant experiences. Another day is critical because the longer we stay in the game, the tougher we get.

When it comes to survival, no one thinks about the future; all we do is try to live another day while devising new challenges to deal with the problems that will arise the next day.

I recently began taking chemotherapy drugs for the conditions I have; the side effects are incredible, but they do seem to solve the problem in the short term. When the present is uncertain, it is impossible to plan for the future. We can not save money when we have expenses to pay, so we choose to go another day even if we know it will be difficult in the future.

In Conclusion

I wrote a few days ago about incurring debts in the hopes that they would all be paid off by the bull market, but this has not happened. Does this imply we should give up? Probably not. When it comes to the bull run, people are optimistic not because the signs are good, but because hope is all we have.

Nobody, literally no one, is thinking about the charts or the repetition of previous events; people are becoming more bearish as the bull run stalls. However, many people have discovered ways to cope and position themselves. Do not be fooled; even bearish people have positioned themselves well because they are holding on to what could be a very big run.

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Personal Finance: Achieving Intentional "Saving" Goals
Playing The Survival Game: Human Nature In Introspection
"Un-PAYING" The Debt You Owe


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Sink or swim right? That's the way of the world even though it shouldn't have to be, but it is. Hang in there, hopefully we'll see a nice run before too much longer!

Yeah, that's the way, and sometimes you have to make it quick. Unfortunately it's how it is.
Yeah, can wait for a nice good run already. It's beginning to feel like ages

Hello @josediccus, it's been a while since I saw your post.
How are you?

I thank God, how are you?

I am well.
It's really good that you're okay.

I also read the story of the man who lived in an iron lung for that number of years, i also saw a guy who could drive a motor bike with just one hand, ties load at the back and drives across hills and valleys, then this other guy who could drive a bicycle with just one leg cause the other was cut off or in whatever case when it comes to the willingness to survive we push ourselves beyond limit to adapts to the prevailing circumstance arround us....

Please @josediccus i have something of great importance, a favour to ask of you don't know how to go about it cause of privacy sake

You're right.people must learn to position and also organize themselves no matter what they're going through