
All external basically. If you look at the Curator picks feed, the last 15 or so posts are what I've selected so far, to give you an idea.

SEO friendly is nice, but anything external as I'm also tweeting out most of the posts, and a retweet from a project account drives a lot of traffic. For example, this tweet of a post by @bluerobo about Koinos was retweeted by the project, and brought 50+ visits to Leofinance from Twitter. Those are the kind of results I'm aiming for.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for sharing :)

Koinos content regularly does well at bringing traffic. I'll have to get your twitter handle if you have one so I can tag you when sharing your posts.

Give me a follow so I can find you:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No associated Twitter account ;)

Love the focus on external traffic. The past few weeks have been amazing. It's extremely encouraging to see how much focus there are on both engagement and organic traffic nowadays.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta