
That's the kind of rush hour I could handle. Nice photos of a nice looking city

yeah it was not as bad as i thought it would have been....that being said, i was doing chicago rush hours last year so this is nothing lol

OMG! I know. Whenever we'd go to Chicago for a visit we would leave really early in the morning or late at night to avoid all that. My sister has a hair salon in Los Angeles. She lives 8 miles away from it and it takes her on average 45 minutes to get there. That's because the LA Freeways are just giant parking lots. Even when I go to work at my cousin's office it takes me about ten minutes to get there. Just be safe.

bEautiful city. Got some friends who live there.

its different for sure. the rivers are awesome.

At least there's no traffic :)

yeah wasn't much at all

Nice shots.