A New Approach To My Blockchain Journey...Again!

in LeoFinance15 days ago

I'm like a goldfish....

I can't keep my attention on anything for more than a few months it seems lol

So please note, when I talk about what I'm doing on my journey here on chain....Please never do what I do lol

But I learned something years ago from a famous entrepreneur and that was to:

To document everything!

So when I get some brilliant new 'ah ha' moment in my brain, I always share it.

Today I was REALLY inspired by @onealfa and a Thread he posted on $LEO

As I've mentioned a few times on chain, there's really only a handful of projects that I truly believe in. And with my offline career these days, I can't keep up with much more than I'm involved with currently.

$LEO is first and foremost. And I've been intrigued with #bbho as well lately.

But overall, that's about it. So my last power down of $HIVE is taking place tomorrow...And with that, I'll have about 50k HP to delegate to projects....And when @onealfa showed everyone what he was earning passively by delegating to LEO Voter, I was sold lol

I believe in the token distribution on $LEO much more than on $HIVE just because, it's much easier for someone to become a strong person on influence in a platform like LEO. And with everything I heard after today's AMA with @khaleelkazi and friends...Oh boy.

So here's where I stand now:

So I have a few delegation projects I send HP to, that support different communities on chain, but tomorrow, I'm going to double my delegation to LEO Voter.

I'll end up earning about 60-70 $LEO daily from that, and around 2k a month. I think this is a good strategy for me going into the next few months when I'm on the road....It allows me to support the community and earn passively in a token I'm a huge fan of.

Again....I'm just sharing what I'm doing. By no means is this recommended or whatever lol I'm just loving the passive side of things these days when I can't be as hands on as I used to be.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


the leo team is full time building. invest now before other catch on.

Have increased my delegation from 63HP to 1370!!!

  • Voucher Transfers Disabled in Splinterlands
  • Transfers of Vouchers to Hive Engine are disabled on Splinterlands. I can only transfer to another player.
    Do you know why?

I havent touched Splinterlands in almost two years now. No idea man, sorry.

No problem, I stake SPS and normally turn all my stake rewards to Hive, but recently coldn't transfer the voucher rewards to Hive Engine.
I have found out they have an in game store where you use the vouchers to buy cards.
Splinterlands is a place where change is the norm, not the exception.

It does work to add up more LEO over time. I still haven't delegated out any HP yet because I still have a goal that hasn't been reach. I think that I still prefer to have more HP and get a 5% vote above the dust threshold. It's pretty far off given the price of Hive.

I think I discovered this Lazy Lion Method also, and decided to increase my delegation to leo.voter.
Note that if you proxy your voting power as opposed to just delegating it and if you switch to liquid leo rewards as leopower instead of liquid leo tokens you get a higher APR.
I recently asked Khal why I was a lower APR and those were the reasons he gave me.

It's great to see how inspired you are by the LEO community and the potential you see in delegating to LEO Voter. Your strategy of earning passive income while supporting a project you believe in is a smart move, especially when life gets busy. Keep sharing those "ah ha" moments, your transparency is refreshing!

If I have money, the best thing to delegate is also Power
You’re inspiring me

Hmmmmm... interesting.

To which account do you delegate the HP to?

I send it to @leo.voter for the LEO returns :)

Cool! I shall give that a try with a bit of my stake! :)

I wish I had much LP to delegate :)

I can't begin to describe how stacking LEO is something anyone can do. I literally started at zero here.

So I did, but it is only at 300s for 6 years :)

Did you buy any? or bring any over from Steem?

Never bought, I don't know how to bring from Steemit 🙄

you could take all your steem and flip it to Hive, that's what a lot of us did when the fork happened

The Leo delegation project is really enticing. It’s a very good plan and I like it that way.
How about the panda project? You delegate to @panda-x
Here is the link https://panda-x.io/
It’s a good project and I am currently delegating 1k HP

What't the info about that project?

I'm curious if he sells that LEO honestly. I mean the price has done nothing but sink so theres for sure massive sell pressure happening on the print of the token as this massive amount of buy back of LEO should be pushing the price higher.

Has he ever sold any? I know I sold some these past few months because I thought I was tapping out of everything crypto related lol But cooler heads prevailed!!!

hard to tell best I can see is he only has 75,000 LEO? would think at that staking rate over the years it would be far higher.

his LEO account has all the LP. that's where most ofd his voting comes from at least.

ah that makes sense forgot about the LPs

Have you checked his leo account or regular account then @bitcoinflood?