
Haha I would response with something like 'Have Fun staying poor' 😆😆

Ye, the thing is that he's not so wrong tho. A lot of projects will get fucked after the hype is over, but those who keep inovating and building their communities will find a way to make it sustainable.

Btc maxies are just annoying haha

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Yeah I've been burned on an ICO and made some bad choices trading. But my cuz is the reason I got involved, he gave me money's he owed me, except in btc back in 2016. Kid's got like 8 or 10 btc and won't even bother to look at some solid projects like this platform

Ye, the same way i did 😂😂

Firstcoin was my first fiesta - I mean the name itself implied to be a fucking ponzie 😂😂 and then I got hooked.

Well, maxies are likely to percieve everything as a competitors without realizing Perpetuum Mobile we are creating - in terms wealth distribution.

Regardless, keep spaming him until he comes 🙈😆