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RE: Bitcoin accepted by over 31000 merchants in South Africa

in LeoFinance2 days ago

Luno have been the forerunners and thinkers within this spectrum, good to read something about our hidden little gem in Africa. Of late been too busy with RL to research much so thanks for an interesting piece.

@tipu curate 2


Hi Joan, great to be in touch and share the info. I'm wandering what will happen when they want to start taxing us, the government via exchanges sharing our info.

Taxman has started they obtain pre-populated information from exchanges already, unless you run a cold wallet SARS knows. What is supposed to be decentralized is not! South Africans are taxed at every turn, I have no idea why they simply don't abolish private tax to individual and take from VAT and every other space they already collecting from.

66M people in the country currently, of which 7M working, weigh up the odds as to how much tax we are bailing these thieves out with. Middle class is dwindling into naught simply going to end up rich vs poor. Growing up they always referred to a "Commie under every bush, now look no further than parliament." NATS were rotten, ANC vrot to the core, not much change with GNU either, two bull dogs tugging at the same piece!