How to claim Linea zksync blockchain airdrop without investing crypto

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

I honestly didn't feel like publishing another post for an airdrop, but talking with @florakese I realized that maybe someone less involved in CryptoTwitter may still not know about the new zksync Linea blockchain opportunity, given the fact that you can access the airdrop even whitout sending real money to the mainnet, but just using the testnet i would suggest everyone to follow the steps I describe here.

Launched not many weeks ago by the consensys guys, the ones that created the metamask wallet, with all its features and API (that I use daily while developing frontends for ethereum smart contracts) Linea is a very interesting project and its ecosystem is already thriving.

But let's stay focused, first of all, you find each of these steps in the Linea documentation here.
And in fact I will not describe the step 1, which is ADD LINEA to your METAMASK because it's well covered in the link above, and because if you use the dex i am going to show you they know how to use the metamask API well enough to add the network to your metamask automagically, in 3 clicks.

Amazing guys

So now we have Linea mainnet and testnet added to our metamask, there are 2 things we can do:

  1. spend our crypto and do some transactions on the linea mainnet
  2. use only the linea testnet

Either way we'll be eligible to the airdrop when it will come.

I really had to show you the testnet way.

To have "fake" testnet tokens and create transactions (remember that the airdrop will count the amount of tokens transacted and the amount of days you engaged with the testnet) you need to go to a faucet, get some testnet eth to your metamask (yes you will need to add an eth testnet network too into your metalask).

In this screenshot I use the Goerli faucet

Screenshot 2023-08-12 164424.png

After "mining" testnet ETH you will need to bridge them on linea testnet, here is the doc page that covers bridging different assets, with different testnet contracts deployed for service, here I cover only goerli eth testnet.

1: you go to this link with metamask connected to goerli network and your testnet tokens safely secured in it

Then you click the "connect web3" button on the "contract" tab to access the smart contract's public functions:

Screenshot 2023-09-02 223404.png

You'll be prompted with a sign-in request on metamask, accept it and then open the tab number 11. SendMessage on the reloaded page:

Screenshot 2023-09-02 223942.png

Now what this smart contract does is bridging, you insert the amount of testnet ETH that you want to bridge from goerli to linea testnet and it sends it to you with a message, plain and simple.

SendMessage field is for the amount of testnet eth to send (a little less than what you have because you need to pay for gas).
The _to(address) field is your metamask address, to which the testnet ETH will be sent within the hour on the linea testnet network.
The fee is the gas you pay:


is a good value

_calldata needs to be set as:


After clicking write you can check your transaction, your goerli eth will be sent, and lineaETH will be returned on the other network.

Now we get to the fun, you have my word.

The best place to play imho is echodex
Don't get me wrong there's lots of other daily projects on Linea and I am sure you have ideas to share in the comments.
But echodex has a beautiful page specifically built for the airdrop, with links to liquidity pools, swaps and leaderboard to check your airdrop points.
And you can get points just for visiting that page and connecting to linea testnet!
But you need to pay gas to make the transaction.... so you either ask for testnet tokens for a lovely friend or do the above boring procedure.
Your choice.
In the end hive is a blockchain social network, we are all supposed to help each other :D

Anyways, the page uses the metamask API so brilliantly that explaining is just for the sake of the article to be complete.

I will show you in particular how to add money to a liquidity pool and how to farm, both operations that require swapping tokens on the linea testnet network (airdrop points) and that ensure you more point themselves.

Liquidity pool = pool of crypto, half token1 and half token2, allows people to go into the dex and swap token1 to token2 at the established price, this mechanic is the core of DeFi.
Farming = incentives for adding liquidity on the most important pools of a DeFi service usually a proportion of what you invest in the pool.
Please read all the steps before starting.

  1. You check which liquidity pools have the farming icon (give you chance to get incentives)
    Screenshot 2023-08-11 171007.png
  1. You swap half of your ETH (aka token1) to the token2 of your choice
    Screenshot 2023-08-12 232235.png
  1. You select the liquidity pool to which you wanna contribute to, and you get prompted a graph in which you can choose the variation of price you wanna serve in the liquidity pool, this is a way to prevent the biggest losses for liquidity providers, that happen when the price fluctuates too much (aka impermanent loss).
    Screenshot 2023-08-11 171140.png

Screenshot 2023-08-12 232635.png

You will notice that the amount of token1 must be the same value of the amount of token2 at the current price, the dex ui calculates this automaGically, and prompts you with an allowance request to be able to spend the token2 (or any token that you chose and is not ETH) on your behalf:

Screenshot 2023-08-12 232431.png

Screenshot 2023-08-12 232517.png

You can obviously set a maximum amount of tokens that the contract can spend on your behalf, I usually choose it just above the amount I want to deposit on the liquid pool.

4)When you have finished your deposit procedure you can access the farm and farm your tokens

Screenshot 2023-08-11 171218.png

Screenshot 2023-08-12 232744.png


Screenshot 2023-08-11 171252.png

As you can see you can harvest your incentives anytime and reinvest them or swap them to build transaction volume for the airdrop.

This last screenshot is the leatherboard, where you can check how much your points are growing for the airdrop daily.

Screenshot 2023-08-12 232930.png

What I hope is not only to have shown you how to cliam the airdrop without spending real crypto but also and most importantly how a DeFi platform works, and how you can earn in a decentralized way by investing in DeFi.
Happy airdrop everyone.


I'm going to take a good look at this.

It's easier for a dev like me, we know how to get testnet eth, let me know here in the comments if you get stuck ;)