Well I feel that Hive on it's own keeps evolving with these new microblogging platforms. Both Leo threads and Ecency waves still have a ways to go to be able to exemplify that Twitter feel. But it's a start. So your plan is to remain exclusive on Threads?
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I think so. Waves has just started. I interacted with the platform. Anything you do on deck, you need to go back to the main ecency front end. Commenting on threads will take you to the Ecency front end.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
That will have to be worked on then because I don't think a lot of people would enjoy being redirected to the frontend each time they want to reply to a comment. Anyways there are still developments so we'll just have to wait it out right?
I think Leothreads is much ahead in terms of plans on how to take forward this micro blogging platform. Ecency has a huge baggage of the mobile application and the other front end. I expect the Leo team to at least try to bring more new users in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
That's true... hopefully they work on that and I guess we'll all be happy in the end.
P.S: You alright, you didn't leave a joke.🙃
ha ha that's funny. Even my posts are just the extension of threads. i am too serious on my posts :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
Okay, but at least for my sake, maybe you could try to be less serious in the comment, drop your usual pun or sarcasm maybe?😁
I will try my best. now the world has seen my real face I do not need to hide behind my blogposts ha ha
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha