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RE: Leo Talk 3/03/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance4 years ago

It's nice to see the moon opening up to the people of the public. Can we see space travel as a vacation soon? How long do you think it will take?

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I'd love to grab one of those seats! It must be an incredible experience!

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Yea it would definitely be a memorable experience. I hope it opens up to all of us in the future.

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Am adventure to be ever remembered, those 8 chosen members would leave to tell the story, what a golden opportunity

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And a helluva price tag.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would so do that if I could, thanks for giving me another thing to do on my bucket list!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely, there are too many things to do but not enough time to do them all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Virgin Galactic is poised to do that in the next year or two.

Not sure if it will be successful. Space tourism, I am not sure if it will take off.

To be honest, when I look at Space Colonization versus digitization of humans, I think the later will happen quicker. If that is the case, then the need to send people biologically into space is lessened.

Sorry I know I went off track on that one. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're talking about Project 2045:
No need to put the human body at risk, we're infused into a hologram. No more aches and pains, download knowledge just like in The Matrix.


Who's ready for their robot body?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wouldn't mind trying that. Now the only issue is how do we get a fast and lagless connection to something millions of miles away from us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is where quantum connections come in. By 2045, they should have mastered quantum entanglement. That means we should be able to traverse the space-time mechanism.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lots of different angles that this is being approached from.

One is the uploading of the mind via the connecting of the neocortex to the could. Another is the hologram as you discussed.

We are also see synthetic biology erupting meaning we could actually replace ourselves at the cellular level.

All fascinating stuff that will lead to some sort of digital outcome.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The biohacking that author and one of my favorite podcasters, Tim Ferriss is involved in, will be supplanted by the amazing opportunities to come. I keep telling people to just hang on, we're at the doorstep of incredible changes that will alter society hopefully, for the better.

Now, the only issue will be, what will happen to "the naturals" who sit this thing out? Competing with "designer humans" will be tough...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is years since I listened to Ferriss. I need to catch up on what he is into.

Care to give a quick recap of his biohacking?

I agree, the naturals will be stuck using "old technology". LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, for me it began with his book The 4 Hour Body, which is a compilation of best practices he's found to stay fit. Afterwards he got into various nootropics and other smart drugs.

Different life hacks and better ways to do things. I'd listen and have a notepad at the ready, as he provides so much value.

The man likes to experiment on his body and I've yet to match his courage in trying new things. I too have been busy and have to find time to listen to his podcast. But he gets to interview the best and collect what works in order to benefit himself and his audience.

I still remember the interview he did with Malcolm Gladwell, the man is a good habit to have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I havent read Ferris since the 4 Hour Work Week.

That was probably 15 years ago.

That said, I have caught him at times on different interview shows. The guy certainly does challenge conventional wisdom.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think Space Colonization will happen. There are so many resources on Earth and we require other sources for them. We are taking resources formed over hundreds or thousands of years right now. Eventually the cost to get supplies will increase despite technology improving.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Eventually the cost to get supplies will increase despite technology improving.

I disagree with this. I think the material sciences are operating on a fast enough pace that we will see that averted. Between the idea of "growing" our structures as well as using molecular assembly, I think by the 2050 date musk has out there, we will see a ton more advancement where the materials we are used are actually "built" at the molecular level.

That said, people might head out to space just to do so. I do think one thing we see a lot of that doesnt get much attention is space manufacturing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's an interesting idea and it might work out if it's possible. At our current rate, supplies are depleting faster than they can recover naturally. I would hate to see us run out of resources before we can achieve molecular assembly. Nature is resilient but even that has its limits.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One of the decent aspects of capitalism is innovation.

Tesla is now moving towards another component since Nickle is getting so tough to get a hold of.

Companies can adapt when forced to. Nothing forces them to alter things than a resource shortage.

This actually only increases the pace of innovation and the acceleration of technological development when you think about it. Necessity is a grand motivator.

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