
You know, I think. that the most valuable comments are sincere comments that are not subject to any rules and do not participate in the race. But, if a bonus sticks to such comments, that's great). If they tell me that I must not write a certain number of comments in order to beat someone, I stop the race, I lose interest in communication if it turns from leisure to work). Yes, as a fisherman, I know that leisure can also be profitable).

Well even before Khal made the challenge, I was still commenting quite a bit. Of course, it's better that there are no rules or race but it doesn't seem like people are that motivated to comment otherwise. So I treat it more as leisure but I have to say that I am commenting more than usual due to the race.

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If the number of my comments can help in this matter, I will be happy to support the community, but, I will not keep track of them)