
Yeah I will try to get more engagement over at STEM soon . As far as CTP is concerned once the new frontend rolls out I am sure it will see more engagement.

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Personally I thought STEM would have more comments as there is a burn rate. Are people just posting their original posts and then commenting else where? It just seems a little weird why STEM's engagement is so low.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Two things is affecting the engagement on STEM as far as I know

  1. Price of the token has been reducing to a great extent .
  2. Lack of general posts to engage with .

If you look at most of the posts , its highly subject specific ( but of high quality ) which is difficult for a layman to comprehend sometimes.

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It is a very niche community, one that is not ideal for the average person.

If they can pull in some college students, they might have better results.

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