PolyCub report and buybacks: Why you should get in on PolyCub

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Reading through PolyCub First ever report released yesterday made me quite bullish on the future of the Polygon based DeFi is headed seeing what the team has got lined out to making it truly a sustainable and reliable DeFi.


The report shows transparency and how it is building revenue with the multi token bridge and indicates how the coming months could experience some price flip with revenue growing. It is also about building for the future

It's first buyback took place with about 40k PolyCub worth $4,129.80 bought by the POL and sent to the vexPOLYCUB contract. It is indeed a great way to go for PolyCub with the monthly revenue and buybacks.


Considering the limited supply and inflation rate it is bound towards an interesting path. PolyCub also appears to be different from the rest with it covering other loopholes other DeFi fail to do with POL, order books and lots more. The future looks bright with more utility been generated and PolyCub becoming a scarce asset.

Getting in on PolyCub seem like a great thing to do right now as a flippening happens in the next couple of months. It is commendable to see all that LeoFinance has been doing with PolyCub, what they are building is something truly unique within the DeFi s space. Don't miss out.

To take a full read at the August PDF report

Thanks for Reading

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Polycub has a promising future. I think it has what it takes to be successful

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta