Great to see more focus been placed on marketing. This is one aspect we really need in order to create more awareness and attract more users to the leofinance project. I trust this is in good hands and hope to see our numbers and reach grow in this space
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
You post like it is in the hands of others. We all have a part to play in this.
That is the change in concept. People on Leofinance who hold LEO need to take ownership of what occurs here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True that. We all indeed have a part to play in the success of this project
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
And we all benefit from it. That is what being a stakeholder is all about.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are 100% right @taskmaster4450le... As it is written in the Whitebook, which will be released by tomorrow's AMA!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta