Developing the Habit of spending less than you earn

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello Everyone,

The goal of basically everyone is to achieve financial freedom at some point. However many don't end up becoming so due to failure to imbibe with certain financial habits or principle.


Overtime I have come to learn that spending less than you earn is a great way to build your finances and land you at you desired goal. Like every habit it requires developing or cultivating and spending less isn't an easy thing to master.

It is infact one of the hardest habit in the world of personal finance. If it was an easy thing every dick and Harry would be practicing it. Living below your means requires consistency and becoming easier to as time goes.

Here are tips to developing the habit of spending below your means

1. Evaluate your financial habits

As we earn we tend to loss track or pay less attention to our spending habits. It is important to take a look on what we spend money on. Knowing that is the first step to cutting down on the spendings and thus saving more

2. Make a Budget

The importance of a budget cannot be overemphasized. It act as a guide in controlling our spending. Expenses from recurring ones to groceries to gas, all should put into consideration before coming a budget

3. Get Radical

After finding out the ways we are spending too, the next is to be radical in changing our ways. It requires self discipline and control over the temptations of excessive spending. Our willpower will be tested, we must be serious about cutting back.


It is important to know that developing this habit will not come over night. Just like every habit, it takes time. As long as we stay focused on beating our spendings, we will achieving the goal of spending less.

Thanks for Reading

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