Really great to see @jfang003 getting the recognition he deserves. He is really all over the place and I seem to find his comment in every comment section.
Also, about this.
We do a fairly good job of putting quality content on the trending page.
Bring the daily thread back to trending and then we can talk. I still see no reason why it shouldn't be there all the time. We need a place to start random discussions but that place should also be obvious to outsiders that may come from Reddit or similar places that are used to daily thread discussions.
I personally find it more useful than any post (no offence to anyone) because it provides a ground for informed discussions that would be even more productive if everyone knew where they are taking place.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That might be true. The challenge is A) whether it is worthy of rewards and B) we didnt get a lot of people in there when it was on trending.
Sadly, those who are involved in Leomarkettalk is a small subset of the entire Leofinance community. When you look at how few actually post in there regularly, it is less than a dozen. We both wish it was more.
As for @jfang003, I couldnt agree more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta