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RE: The Change In National Governance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Thinking about the shift from real to digital is enlightening in a way but governance is the hardest part in this entire shift.

Unfortunately, personal initiative often sabotaged the cooperative.

I can see cooperatives emerging again as DAOs but we are all witnesses of very loose governance in many if not all autonomous organizations. Most of the changes and proposals come from the founders and largest holders while those below show little interest. Only a matter of time before large holders start organizing in groups on mass and making changes that benefit them.

It did not operate well when the operation grew and became spread out.

Another reason for me to believe DAOs will have a lot of trouble with scaling with the current governance models.

On that note, do you think DPOS will be the preferred choice in small and medium organizations? I just find it simpler to delegate your vote to the ones you personally trust and it's also a governance model most of us are used to IRL.

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