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RE: Is crypto a hobby or a job for you?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

As you said, motivation can be a problem but I had the privilege to turn my hobby into a job.

At first, it was just mining and occasional writing for tech-related websites but now I'm a full-time Hiver and I have a crypto writing gig fully paid in crypto.

There is nothing else in the world that kept my interest for so long so I'm actually thinking that crypto is my life now, along with being a job and a hobby.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


There is nothing else in the world that kept my interest for so long so I'm actually thinking that crypto is my life now

I can relate to this . I have been trying to complete my javascript and ux course for quite some time now, but I just don't have the motivation to do that. It's really a concern of mine. ONe part of wants to commit totally to crypto and another part wants me to reinvent myself. It is a constant struggle.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

ONe part of wants to commit totally to crypto and another part wants me to reinvent myself. It is a constant struggle.

Been there and can confirm that it sucks. At some point, you'll have that talk with yourself and things will just fall into place.

I guess it all starts making sense once you figure out where you want to be rather than who you want to be. You'll always be you, but it's always better to be the financially free you.

This is also where conviction comes into play.

I'm personally 100% certain that crypto will play a huge role in our society and it ain't going anywhere. This conviction helps me stay motivated because I'm set on that one place where I want to end up in say 10 years from now.

Hope that helps.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta