
in LeoFinance3 years ago

French version / version française : : About the artificial intelligence, "the whore", that runs and secures the earth simulation

Erin Valenti, 33 years old, was a woman to whom life was smiling. CEO of a company in the new technology sector, she seemed happy and fulfilled and yet... she disappeared and was found dead, with no warning signs that could make sense of such a tragic end. Here is an article from the Daily Mail, the last words of Erin Valenti to her parents resonate with the words of this blog...


The parents of a tech company CEO who was found dead say she suffered a "manic episode" and told them, "It's all a game, we're in the Matrix" in a phone call before she disappeared.

Erin Valenti, 33, was discovered in the backseat of her rental car on a residential street in San Jose's quiet Almaden neighborhood on Saturday, five days after her initial disappearance.

Valenti, the CEO of Tinker Ventures, a Salt Lake City-based app developer, was last contacted on Oct. 7, when she missed her flight home from San Jose to Utah.

Nothing seemed unusual until 3:30 p.m. last Monday, after meeting a former colleague on Sand Hill Road before calling her parents to say she couldn't find her rental car.

The 33-year-old was found dead in the backseat of her rental car on a residential street in San Jose's quiet Almaden neighborhood on Saturday, five days after she went missing.

Once she located the gray Nissan Murano, she stayed on the phone with her mother and father, where Valenti's conversation began to veer from the strange to the downright bizarre.

Her father, Joseph Valenti, says his daughter was talking by the minute and it didn't make sense.

Although the grieving father says his daughter has no history of mental illness, Joseph says he wasn't the only family member to receive a "confusing and disjointed" call in the hours before she disappeared.

Valenti also called his mother on and off for several hours on Monday afternoon and evening.

Her thoughts were disconnected...... She'd say she was coming home for Thanksgiving, then the next thing she'd say she was in the Matrix," Whitey Valenti told Mercury News.

Valenti reportedly told her mother, "It's a game, it's a thought experiment: we are in the Matrix."

The 33-year-old, who would have turned 34 on Wednesday, missed her flight later that evening and did not show up for a ceremony in Utah on Tuesday, where she was to receive a Women in tech award.

Concerned about her well-being, Valenti's husband, Harrison Weinstein, a psychologist, tried to locate her using a "find my phone app," but was unsuccessful.

Although the grieving father says his daughter has no history of mental illness, Joseph says he wasn't the only family member to receive a "confusing and disjointed" call in the hours before she disappeared. Valenti also called his mother repeatedly for several hours on Monday afternoon and evening. Her thoughts were disconnected...... She said she was coming home for Thanksgiving, then the next day she said she was in the Matrix.

In her final phone calls with her loved ones on Monday, Valenti mentioned that she was out of gas, and at her family's request, a San Jose police officer contacted Valenti by phone that same evening.

But the police office also said over the phone that she was "not making any sense," according to Weinstein.

The officer went around San Jose trying to find her, but found no trace of Valenti.

Frustrated with the police department's efforts, Weinstein created a "Help Find Erin Valenti" Facebook page, which has inspired more than 1,500 Bay Area people to search for her.

It was one of the volunteers who discovered Valenti's body in the backseat of the 6500 block of Bose Lane - a half-mile from her last known location - on Saturday.

Many of you saw that Erin's search was called off. While we prayed for a different outcome, we are so grateful for your help and support," said a post on the Find Erin Valenti Help page read Sunday morning, announcing the heartbreaking news.

Remember Erin as the beautiful, smart and funny woman she was.

Erin's latest Facebook post, "Heading to San Francisco and LA soon... who's around? Send me a message."

Erin's last post: All seemed well until 3:30 p.m. Monday, after she met a former colleague on Sand Hill Road and said she couldn't find her car.

Authorities have not yet released a time of death or given any indication of how long she was in the car before she was found. A San Jose police spokesman also declined to identify a cause of death when asked, citing an ongoing investigation.

Members of Valenti's family are questioning how the police department handled their daughter's missing person case, accusing them of botching the search.

It was a charade at first," Joseph Valenti told Mercury News of the police department's efforts to find his daughter. "And I'm totally frustrated and angry with the way it went down.

Joseph Valenti went on to say that despite all the information he and other family members gave police - including the make, model and license plate of the car, descriptions of her strange behavior on the phone and tracking data on the location of her last phone call - the department didn't report Erin Valenti missing until Thursday.

To top it off, they also described her as "voluntarily missing," saying she was an adult, theorizing that she had just spontaneously taken a few days off.

Joseph believes the department has not made finding his daughter a priority.

Similarly, Weinstein took to Facebook to refute the department's claims, writing, "I would like to point out how unusual this would be for Erin. While she is adventurous, she is not reckless and would never intentionally be out of touch with her family. As a psychologist, I am particularly concerned about her recent calls which were confusing and inconsistent.

Weinstein goes on to say that it is "entirely possible to have a sudden onset of [manic episode] symptoms like this for a variety of mental health and physical reasons (even if there have been no prior symptoms).

A spokesperson for the San Jose Police Department has not yet responded to a request for comment from

After news of her death became public, tributes began pouring in for Valenti, who was remembered by many as a "special woman" and "amazing friend.

Our hearts are broken. We have just learned that the body of our friend, community member and technology leader Erin Valenti has been found," the Women Tech Council said in a statement.

We honored her this week for her entrepreneurial excellence, incredible career and work. Our thoughts and prayers are with her husband, family and colleagues around the world.

"It's a game, it's a thought experiment: we are in the Matrix."

I have no idea what could have led Erin Valenti to have this conclusion about the nature of our reality. Has she discovered something about the Matrix, the Artificial Intelligence that controls this world? Is she the object of an experiment, voluntarily awakened to study her reactions? Has she found a way out through death?

The questions raised are numerous, I will look into the nature of the research and investments of his company, perhaps a lead that will guide us to an answer. The sloppy police work, an official version of the facts still non-existent ... this story smells of sulfur.

Erin Valenti sums up perfectly what I think about this reality, a game, a thought experiment, a matrix. Did she conduct research in this sense? Did she suddenly understand the deception in which we evolve? Had she found a proof so irrefutable that it put the game in immediate danger? The official version will certainly go towards a psychotic episode, a taking of drugs... I have the intuition that this case perfectly parallels the work of Our Life is a Movie, Erin Valenti was in the truth, we live in a real fiction.

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