
in LeoFinance4 years ago

This quote lingers in my mind after telling that to one of the users who wants to achieve 1 BCH. Starting from the day of introducing this club, many are eager to pursue that goal "to reach 1 or more BCH."

Going back to this quote, if you are determined to achieve something in your life, regardless of the type - whether a goal or a journey - nothing will stop you to make it happen.

Nothing is impossible means everything is possible. It infers too much positivity that inspires many lives. Rather than considering what is impractical and not acting by any means, why not put some actions and see if it is possible or not?

Just like making a goal to achieve 1 BCH, is it possible or not? It is possible for a person who believes it is and impossible for those who don't want to put some effort into achieving it. Those people are not really serious about their goals in life. There is no time limit here, don't be in a rush. If it is impossible to achieve today, there'll be more tomorrow.

Optimistic people creates their own certain manners of achieving their goals, finding answers to their questions, creating ways to make the impossible thing into a possible one. If they can do, why can't you? That makes sense right? And there are many ways to make things happen or proper steps to make things done.

It's the same process when you plant a seed and don't water it. The seed won't grow into a beautiful plant. It will be stuck under the soil until it rots and loses its opportunity to grow. But if you will water and take good care of it, one, two, three, and few more days later, you will see it sprouting and wanting to reach the rays of the sun.

That's it! Now imagine your BCH wallet too. If you start to fill it up, one, two, three months later, it will grow and would be a few steps away from your goal. It won't only help your BCH grow but it will also make you a positive person. And having that positive mindset will make you grow as a person. Don't make any excuses. If there's a will, there's a way. I always tell this to myself when something seems to be impossible.

And I believe that it is possible to persuade negative thoughts and divert them into something like "everything will be okay." Just trust the process. Give time a chance to pass and let yourself grow. Let yourself grow until you reach the sun's rays. Sunrays that signifies your goals, dreams, and ambitions in life.

So if you say you can't achieve the 1 BCH, think again. Did you even put some effort to make it happen? Or is it just your thought that's brushing off the positivity in your mind? It's because you don't want to do it. You are not serious to pursue it. So you don't want to put effort into achieving it.

Don't be a victim of negative thinking. Don't be a person who complains a lot. A person who always in a hurry. A person who focuses more on failures. I admit I was like that too. But I always try to divert my negative thinking because it won't do good for me. Because I know that, that kind of thinking will only make me fail and give up after failing.

Although there are times that we doubt ourselves. However, this should not stop us from achieving our goals. We should keep moving, heading in the right direction. Let's practice having the determination to achieve our goals in life. Let the phrase "nothing is impossible" sink in our mind.

Once we learn to do these, we will achieve victory, and we will see, that feeling of accomplishment is truly great!

So guys! If you know someone who is stressed, depressed, lacks motivation and determination, don't hesitate to share some positive words. Those words are truly powerful that can even move a mountain.

And in line with this, I wanna make an acronym for BCH. If you still remember, I made an acronym for readcash and that stands for:
D-istance (No Geographical Barrier)
C-ash (Bitcoin Cash) and Character
S-ocial Interaction
H-aving fun
If you wanna know more about it, visit this link: Acronym for readcash

So what BCH stands for for me?

Bitcoin Cash
B-ring all
C-ommunities at

You may want to read my readcash journey too 😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You have the audacity to copy my article.. Well done 🤣🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta