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RE: What Is the Vision for HBD?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It is perfectly fine to price your stuff in USD.

The dumb part is pretending HBD has a usecase as currency.

Whenever you decide to pay for your purchase in HBD, you have to use an electronic device to make the transaction happen. Surely, the device you are using can compute a fair HIVE price to pay at the given moment. Traders can play their markets with 1M HBD circulating supply and the Hive economy can process the payments worth billions of dollars using regular HIVE supply and the market price info.

HBD is a speculation tool. Most people are going to lose in the speculation game (trying to outsmart people who actually understand the game). That includes HBD savers, obviously.

People can brag about paying in USD instead of HBD all day long because it is always the business that eats up the processing fee. At least until the businesses stop pretending 1 HBD = 1 USD and start charging 9.9 HBD for their $9.95 products. So is HBD worth more than USD now? Welcome back in the Speculation Zone.