In 2015 when i got into crypto space, there wasn't much articles and information about crypto to fall back to and acquire knowledge unlike today. There also wasn't mentor figures as most people were still learning and trying to figure out blockchain and cryptocurrency for themselves. I had to observe and make do of the little information available.
Today, there are thousands of articles, journals, books and even seminars for crypto introduction. Understanding cryptocurrency is much easier than it was 5 years back. But… trustworthy and genuine are the articles that pop up when a newbie google searches? You can't be so sure. I have seen misleading articles about cryptocurrency and blockchain, having a huge number of views. Wrong information like those are reasons people end up accepting the wrong note that 'Crypto is scam'.
The answer is YES. We are living in one of the most exciting times in recorded history. The world is changing at a fast pace and anyone who doesn't buckle up will be left far behind. Even people that aren't interested in dealing with cryptocurrency need to acquire this knowledge. I recommend cryptocurrency and blockchain to be thought in schools but before that is put in place, i found a really cool academy newbies can learn about cryptocurrency efficiently.
ChangeNOW academy
is a platform by ChangeNOW where anyone can learn about cryptocurrency. It covers information from the scratch for newbies and advanced level for people that intend to add to what they know already and not miss out from important information.
Only starter beginners level is available at the moment as the academy is still on beta but as someone that is experienced, you can still check it out and leave feedbacks on
For beginners, there is a lot for you. You can cover contents on
Cryptocurrency in 3 mins
You can find all the cards from the entire academy in the Glossary
, to learn specifically about general crypto concepts, particular currencies, projects, or personalities.
To know more about the academy, visit the published article by change now team. I encourage you to subcribe to the news channel to stay updated with news and happenings on crypto sphere.
Join ChangeNOW community through their social media platforms.
It feels good to see that people are now getting to know more about blockchain technology and it is going mainstream. The NOW academy is really a step in the right direction.
Nice one
Thanks for sharing. I will recommend it to newbies around me.
I went through the information on the NOWAcademy and I can say they're nice. I can always refer newbies there
You've come a long way in crypto.