jbtc19yggwarrior cross-posted this post in LeoFinance 3 years ago


in 1UP3 years ago (edited)

Yow! Another great cards to unbox today.
Gladius packs!
Chaos legion packs
Daily chest

  • Screenshot_20220105-210829_Samsung Internet.jpgSee what I got on my #chaos legion packs:
  • its a rare gold foil TIME MAZE (500 cp)and rare GENERAL SLOAN summoner!
    2 in 1 packs.
  • the market value is almost 10 usd
    This is from my stake in sps to earn vouchers and also credit is from my earnings in sps stake.
  • patience and hardwork to receive these awesome rewards.

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Wow our @thgaming guild won again!! Congrats team and with our own THG leader @jim-crypto despite of lost in the game I receive my #merits rewards super thanks!!

    This token for individual brawl guild who win the brawl.

    I buy 1 packs of gladius packs and tbis what I got:

    Another cool cards! In the future this will be great to used in brawler fight once the barracks upgraded in level 2. Merits is used to buy one gladius packs worth of 2000 #merits and to buy gladius stone and power stone like potions also to vet higher chance of gold and legendary cards.

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For the first in history I got trippled luck for my daily chest rewards haha!
Yoh its legendary and gold foil( how i wish those are cards haha) potions haha!
Anyway this potions are applied in opening packs to get a chance great cards!

Thats for today #splinterlands I hope you enjoy reading and watching my blogs in #peakd #spt #leofinance #oneup #ecency #hive #proofofbrain @johnfleer @jim-crypto @thgaming @synist3r #oneup #leofinance #proofofbrain #spt @thgaming @doomz @jim-crypto @ultm8x @pansit @captainquack22 @arcangel @shortshots @kimikimi
