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RE: Hive: What Kind Of Progress Are We Really Making?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I think fees are a good thing. Not only do they stop spam, they also curate the community and ensure that the chain size does not experience runaway growth over time.

But here's a question that I openly pose to @dan and the Hive community:

It now seems like we have several chains that share DNA in significant ways and criticize how you'd like, if you go through the source code is any of them, you will find stuff that is simply years ahead. Genuine next level thinking.

I don't really think that we get there in isolation and I also don't really think that these chains ended up being ideal for money. In fact I think that their ideal use has been persistent, economically secured content storage. The content storage only falls into question when the economy falters.

I'm not here to say that the fee-less approach is totally wrong, there are trade-offs.

I suppose I'm here to wonder out loud if it is possible to make improvements jointly at all, of if we have diverged too much for example with layer 2 and hive mind, which we have no intention of supporting at Blurt.

One thing is for sure, regardless of weak points, nearly five years of continued operation proves that Dan had a vision, and even if parts of it were questionable, there is clearly enduring value.