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RE: REFLECTING ON: My Relationship with Material Things

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hey Anis, love your post and your view on material things. This world has trained us so well to think we need new things and wanting more and more. Going against it and especially investing in yourself is so much more worth it - traveling, experiences, books, masterclasses and so on.

I have been travelling on and off for the past 4 years and right now I just have a few things with me and whats left of my belongings is stored away. It´s crazy what you really need and what you think you need when you´ve been staying at the same place for a while.
I will go traveling with a backpack again soon and it will be a challenge to maintain my style and skincare routine while traveling light 😄

Especially when you´re buying bigger things it´s very smart to take your time and see if you actually need and really want it and I think then there is nothing wrong with treating yourself.
I try to find a balance between being smart to spend my money right and also not overthink it if I want to buy a coffee which I could probably have cheaper somewhere else. In the end time is still our highest value and I enjoy a fancy coffee every now and then 😁