It's amazing to know that Michael Saylor finally decided to invent a Bitcoin-related application and he's willing to do it with their Lightning Platform.
I know ads are quite annoying but introducing a reward system where consumers get rewarded with Satoshi is a step in the right direction. For users will be encouraged to stay and engage more with the application or network which will be a win-win for companies that embrace this ideal.
Although Ads' business and revenue have been monopolized, I love how you pointed out that they will only be in business if people are willing to keep patronizing them.
So once people recognize the beauty and gains involved in the Bitcoin-related applications like the Lightning Platform that Microstrategy is building, it's only a matter of time before they gravitate towards that direction.
I do hope that the rest of the icing that comes with Blockchain will be added to. These include the already listed factors you have here;
Being decentralized, having full ownership wallets, immutable database, fast and free transaction
Thank you for sharing