Which Investment Strategy Is Best For You?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

In this age of internet riches, everyone wants to get in on the action. But how? The first step is identifying your risk tolerance and understanding what kind of return you can expect from different investment strategies.
Which Investment Strategy Is Best For You?.png
After that, it’s a matter of finding an investment strategy that fits your personal financial needs and lifestyle. Luckily, you don’t need to be a finance whiz to identify the right strategy for you. Once you know your risk tolerance and other things like your short-term and long-term goals, it’s easier to choose the right investment strategy for your needs.

What informs your investing decisions?

Normally, people invest based on knowledge acquired from friends, relatives, or investment experts. Investing is usually a complicated process that can get even more complicated if you try to learn on your own. This is why professionals like financial advisors or online trading platforms are so popular. They present investing in a simplified way that anyone can understand.

Unfortunately, not all advisors are created equal. You want to make sure you work with an experienced financial advisor that fully understands your specific financial needs and that can help you find the best investment strategy for you. A good investment plan should be specific to your financial needs, risk tolerance, and other factors.

Should you adopt the active and passive money management pattern or just one?

This is a question that will determine whether you make money or not, and there is no one right answer to this question. This is because it depends on your financial goals and risk tolerance. If you want to diversify your investment portfolio and diffuse risk, then both active and passive strategies can be beneficial. If you have a lower risk tolerance and are looking to make money with a specific investment approach, then the passive approach can work well for you.

What should a good investment portfolio look like?

It is a myth that investors should put all their savings in just one or two asset classes. Surely, a good investment should have a mixture of a large, medium, and small gap. A large asset class is usually real estate, gold, or a business. A major portion of the investment should be in these asset classes because they offer long-term security and yield.

The medium asset class is usually shares, bonds, or cash. This is where your investment should be skewed so that it is at medium risk. A small gap is just that: small. It is the amount you should invest in your investment strategy.

In all of these mediums, there's a space for you to introduce crypto, the category you place cryptocurrency in is up to you. And that's because you are well aware of those financial goals of yours and how you intend to achieve them.

Do your due diligence before you invest

Before you make any investment, you have to do your research, this can't be emphasized enough. Investigate the company and make sure it is a good fit for your risk tolerance and other factors. Next, make sure the investment strategy is suitable for your financial needs.

You don’t want to invest in a strategy that offers a high return with high risk and a low amount of money. Lastly, make sure that the investment strategy is suitable for your financial situation. An investment approach that is too aggressive or too conservative for your financial situation can be disastrous.

No investment style is the best so far as patterns changes from time to time

This is particularly true when it comes to active and passive investing. No one strategy should dictate your investment approach. Rather, you should pick an approach that is in your best interest and stick to it for the long haul.

Face value versus historical analysis

It may seem like common sense, but investing is a lot more than just simply buying an investment strategy and watching it go up and then down. Once you pick a strategy, you should look at the historical analysis too instead of the face value alone.

Invest in a strategy that has demonstrated good returns. Look at the historical analysis too and see how the investment strategy has performed in the past. This can help you pick a strategy that is sustainable for the long run.

Your future self will either be pleased or sad over your decisions

Investment decisions are critical because of the impact it has on your financial status and future operation. Negligence in your investment strategy can lead to financial trouble. You don’t want to put all your eggs in one investment basket. The more risk diversification you have in your investment strategy, the less likely you are to lose all your money. It is recommended that you invest a portion of your savings in different investment strategies to increase the likelihood of making some money.

A good investment should include liquidity maintenance, long-term profitability, and investment risk diversification

There are several aspects that you should consider before you invest. One of them is liquidity. An investment approach that has low liquidity is unlikely to be sold off easily if the market tanks. This will result in the loss of your investment.

You should also look at the long-term profitability of the investment strategy too. Certain strategies can look attractive on paper but are not profitable in the long run. A profitable investment approach has a high likelihood of earning you money over a long period.

Investment risk diversification is a technique that is best employed when you have several funding options. A single investment strategy will have a high probability of losing you money if the overall market declined.


Investing comes with many challenges. You need to be aware of your financial situation, risk tolerance, and other factors. With the right investment strategy, you can make money and grow your wealth for the future. It might take some time to find the right investment strategy for you, but it will be well worth it in the end. Now that you know how to identify your risk tolerance and find the right investment strategy for you, it is time to make some investments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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One thing I learned from these past 2 years staying on this cryptoverse is to take a small profit and never put all your eggs in one basket, because the market suddenly goes South, better save some eggs for unexpected turmoil.

This is true. We should learn to diversify our investment portfolio.

Thanks @jane1289. And I thank you for the tip you send to me the other day. I sincerely appreciate. 😊💞💞🥰🥺😘💘💕♥️🙈

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Way back when I was young, I thought that investing is only for the rich people. But as I grow older, I realized that avergae people like me can invest too, as long as what I invest is something that I can lose. Anyway, I love the points that you shared my friend iska. Indeed, we need to consider things before diving to investing as it's risky as well. We must do our owm research first.

Yes, it's true. I am glad you've come to understand that investment is for everyone. And that all we need to do is put in the funds we can afford to lose.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.

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You're welcome @iskafan, it's well deserved! Thanks for your constant activity here 😊👍🌹