It could be the start of the most incredible journey. A life changing experience for both upcoming and established writers. There are so many opportunities for members of to earn an income, I hardly know where to begin the explanation!
One thing is certain: Starting this journey costs nothing but a few seconds of your time. have a MetaMask account. The simple transaction to verify and connect your account costs 0 ETH.
You don't have an account on ? Setting one up takes only a matter of moments. The video below explains why having one is a good idea.
Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Scroll down for a guide to the MetaMask -> LeoFinance quick step signup process! But first, a bit on why it's worth your time.
LeoFinance - A Valuable Resource For Writers & Vloggers
The internet is changing rapidly from one day to the next. You could feel it in your bones before. Now, it's become apparent right before your eyes.
Established sources of income through Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other media outlets no longer offer a safe harbor. While profits on these platforms are still viable for content creators, their very foundations are now cracked.
How can you grow or build a successful business when the foundation is faulty? People do it just like they always do, until the earthquake hits. Censorship, banned accounts, and suspensions without reason have become par for the current course.
LeoFinance Has HIVE Structural Shock Support Beams
What does that mean? It means that your writing and your videos are always safely stored on the HIVE Blockchain.
That's right! When you take 30 seconds to signup to LeoFinance through your MetaMask browser, you will also create an account on HIVE! Two birds, one stone. "HIVE provides a permanent and immutable blockchain where your content cannot be altered or removed.
For you who may be new to cryptocurrency, the quick MetaMask to LeoFinance signup routine removes the roadblocks to entry.
Ownership keys and root phrases are important in crypto, but this gives you time to learn about them as your journey progresses.
Publish To Earn LEO (And HIVE) & Swap It For Ethereum
Stop right there for a moment. Did you catch that? When you publish on LeoFinance, you also have the opportunity to earn HIVE. I mentioned at the start that there were SO many opportunities to earn an income as a member of LeoFinance.
HIVE is the base for that. LeoFinance is the conduit to many lines of profit. You can take the rewards you receive in LEO coin and swap them immediately into ETH in your MetaMask wallet.
But you might not want to do that. LEO tokens and LeoFinance in general are on a growing upward trajectory! Check out this recent article on the increasing traffic coming in to
Earning LEO & HIVE - How It Works
There are complexities to the HIVE reward system I won't get into here. But not as much on LeoFinance! Rewards received from HIVE are on a voting system, curved by time of vote. LeoFinance works the same way, minus the voting curve. Let me explain in more detail.
When you publish a post on LeoFinance, it also is published on HIVE. This gives any member of LeoFinance or HIVE a chance to vote for your work. You also earn when you vote on other people's work! But votes are worth different amounts.
The amount your vote is worth depends on how much LEO or HIVE tokens you decide to stake in your wallet. Staked tokens are still your tokens. They can be unstaked back to liquid tokens on a timed weekly counter.
It's the same way for every account. The more you stake, the higher your vote reward. When you vote for other people's work, it's called curation. And on LeoFinance, you earn half your vote back upon payout. Payouts occur seven days from the time a post is published.
Oh yeah. Your vote power will drain down, but it replenishes over time free of any cost to you. Staking to a mid-value level account (or higher) allows you to control the weight of your vote and manage your vote power.
A MetaMask To LeoFinance Signup Guide
So you're ready to become a proud member of LeoFinance. Here's how easy it is to sign up through your MetaMask browser. To get started, open MetaMask on your device and open the MetaMask browser.
"Search or Type URL". This will bring you to the LeoFinance home page.Next, copy the LeoFinance web address ( and paste it at the top where it says,
Select the yellow tab at the top of the LeoFinance home page where it says, "Get Started". A box will appear with the option to signup with MetaMask. See it in the image below.
Now choose, "Sign up with MetaMask". A new box will appear directing you to choose your username. I've picked one to show you in the example below.
Once you've entered your username and see the green checkmark indicating it is available, click register. MetaMask will then ask you to sign for the transaction in a pop up box. Select Sign and wait for the transaction to go through. It shouldn't take more than a few seconds. See below.
When the transaction goes through, an image will appear for a couple seconds welcoming you to LeoFinance.
Congratulations New Leo! Tell Us Who You Are So We Can Vote On Your First Post!!!
Once the welcome image disappears, you can explore the LeoFinance interface. Take a couple moments if you like and complete your profile. You can browse more by selecting the round LeoFinance logo at the top. A drop down menu will guide you to more options.
If you just can't wait and want to say hello to the LeoFinance community, hit the pencil and draft your introduction. You can always use the Discord tab on the bottom if you are having any trouble. Come over to the LeoFinance chat room and we'll be glad to help you.
You'll notice in the drop down menu, you have access to your wallet. This is where you'll find the important account keys for later use. When ready, you can collect them here.
If You Don't Have A MetaMask Account, Grab One And Come On Over
Signup for MetaMask doesn't take very long either. Make sure to write down and store your seed phrases securely. Then put your new wallet to use and follow the steps above.
You'll find a gracious community of bloggers and vloggers, eager to welcome you aboard. LeoFinance offers the perfect place to build your crypto writing portfolio.
HIVE offers a world where bloggers and vloggers can do the same, outside the subject of finances!!
For you writers who have already built your brand, LeoFinance offers many streams of revenue to branch off of and profit. All without fear of losing your business to a bad foundation.
Whether you come to buidl your writers' portfolio or safely park an existing one, you'll be earning both LEO & HIVE to boot.
Thanks for your time. See you on LeoFinance and as always...
Illustrations Via The Canva App
Images Captured As Screenshots
Bottom Image Courtesy Of Brand Assets
Want To Join The HIVE Community? Use My Referral Link To
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
An excellent tutorial. This is really helpful for people to understand.
I dropped this is the discord group as a suggestion to place it on Leopedia.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks 😊. I didn't plug it into Yoast to check the SEO, but I hope Google picks it up for top of page 1. Go LeoFinance!! 👍👍
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great post taking everyone through baby steps from the beginning to the finish line. Sometimes I find good information, but expressed into a difficult way to understand which disarms me from taking action. This one I believe is a walkthrough anybody can take and it will take it where it needs to, keep this approach further.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you Beehiver. I appreciate the feedback and will keep up the approach. Now, let's see if it has its intended affect. 🙂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
yeah that was an amazing post
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
great tutorial and by the way, i saved it here for future research because the ETH platform is not my forte. I recently created a wallet using MetaMask and I practically don't know how to use it a lot lol ...
These are articles that contribute to more memberships for the community. Congratulations on the excellent work!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks @coyotelation. I somehow missed this comment before. Hopefully, it helps spread the word about the benefits of posting on LeoFinance to the ETH Community. 👍
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We move on friend. 🦁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Two times the minimum wage? Headed over to your post now. 👍
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahaha yes friend!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Excellent post. If I try to put myself into the shoes of an complete naive user, I would still find it very complex. All these HIVE and LEO and voting power and staking and curation stuff. It is a complex product we are trying to sell here. But what a complex product a car, a smartphone or even a coffeemachine is nowadays! The only thning you have to do is start to use it and begin your journey learning what is possible with it.
Make an account, start to read, start to comment, start to write a first post, look what happens in your wallet, find explanations and have fun! Spending half an hour a day here on Leofinance will most propably learn you more about the stuff that is going to happen in the next 10 years than visiting a newspaper. The people around here are in the same situation as the early industrialist in the beginning of the 20th century. You don´t have to be an ingenieur, but you need to know what is possible. There is no better place than Leofinance for that IMHO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thoughtful points you make here. It would still be confusing for a complete beginner. I suppose it's not too different from the dot com era. In fact, that era may have had a larger learning curve than crypto today. People weren't even familiar with technology at all.
It's older folks like me and my parents who struggle with it, I think. From what I see and hear about Millennials, the tech shouldn't be an issue. I really like your analogy to the complexities of other tech we use these days.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Look at that post from @mariosfame ! He found a very simple way to explain our complex product.
For no advice, you're 3 for 3 on the bullseye!
I needed his username to add to my signoff to give credit for his awesome Illustrations.
That's cool you led me to his LeoFinance Facebook group. I just reopened my account to promote LeoFinance after having let it low dormant for months.
And last but not least, @mariosfame needs some pamp on his posts. I'm getting right on it. Thanks. 👍💯
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a lot of great information, I may toy around with this metastuff in the future and earn some ETH with some LEO earnings. My problem is I can't stand letting my LEO's go, FOMO!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh I know what you mean. I used the swap to get more ETH for a Balancer pool, then regretted losing the LEO.
The power down I have is just to secure liquid LEO for V2 of wLEO. I was tripping on that too, last night. Then I remembered I wouldn't really be losing any LEO. Haha.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I should get in on the V2, I didn't lose anything with SPEW, I don't think @spinvest will offer that deal again so I would have to coinbase some Eth to do it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I get it we hope that the asset we own sell for a very good price or we just can't let it goo
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is a very complete post actually, I'm glad I stopped by just to see this masterful publication.
Financial Markets Analyst
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you sir. That's so nice of you to stop by and say so. It's a long and winding road! 😁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great job with this tutorial. Simple to read and comprehend even for a foreigner like me. Regarding metamask I recently read about @pele23's hard times with withdrawing some ETH from it. Having the ability to directly convert LEO to ETH is definitely a great plus. Easing the process to cash out through ETH for content creators shows clear signs of support towards the users. Hive hasn't managed to do in years of existence. I guess it would have had more active users if it would have done it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's interesting. I'll have to check out what happened with his withdrawal. Dude, your English is so good I often forget English isn't your native language. And this new LeoInfra sure gives ETH buffs a good reason to get over here. 💯
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Excellent explanation of how to join the HIVE Blockchain Network using an existing Metamask Wallet.
It has been my experience that LEO stake holders are always generous with their votes. It is very refreshing. There are a great many folks that are prolific curators on the LEO Finance site, that is for sure!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes. There are quite a few. Soon the masses will flow in and we'll hardly be able to keep up with them. 😁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Now that's what I call a great tutorial. Great job buddy!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the feedback. You got my 66. 🦇💨
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
👏👏 excellent piece. Your explanations and directions are clear and straightforward. No gimmicks. Really like how you have approached this. Bravo!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you. It's not easy to find that balance between emotional appeal and straight facts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
that for the explanation but I try before but didn't get much attention but I'm not disheartened I know my content was not that good but anyway do you where I can promote my leo content
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'll always reward an effort. I think you know better than trying to promote content that needs a lot of work.
I'd definitely work on improving your English and sentence structure before you progress to self promotion. 👍
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
thanks a lot that tells me my English is not good because I'm not native
I don't know about your English because I haven't really seen more than fifty words.
Keep at it. Sentence structure is tough, even for native speakers. Reading other native English authors will help a lot.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
thanks, bro
Maybe try writing in your native language? Although the majority of posts/articles on the HIVE Blockchain Network are in English, many folks post in their mother tongue. The Spanish-speaking folks on HIVE lead in this area.
While not the best, there are tools like Google translate that can aid you in translation.
Another suggestion is to search out people that speak your native language here on the blockchain. They can give you tips on producing quality content.
Remember; authoring is not for everybody, but you can still earn rewards by reading and voting on other people's posts/articles (this will also aid you in improving your English skills). I have, in the past, used Google Translate to read posts in languages I do not understand.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
thanks that's a great option for me because engaging has made me more accurate in English
Thanks for this great tutorial!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for stopping by.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Link To Share On The LeoFinance subReddit:
~~~ embed:LeoFinance/comments/jk28ly/metamask_to_leofinance_account_creation_in_under/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share reddit metadata:fExlb0ZpbmFuY2V8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0xlb0ZpbmFuY2UvY29tbWVudHMvamsyOGx5L21ldGFtYXNrX3RvX2xlb2ZpbmFuY2VfYWNjb3VudF9jcmVhdGlvbl9pbl91bmRlci8/dXRtX21lZGl1bT1hbmRyb2lkX2FwcCZ1dG1fc291cmNlPXNoYXJlfA== ~~~
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Post pending on Quora
Link To Facebook share (ouch) 🤣:
Interesting. Nice to know.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
After your article, more content creators will come here! I'm sure of it! Nice job!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta