Yeah, I keep thinking the best most was really to sell the vouchers and use it all to buy cards later. I wouldn't have gotten into the first three airdrops but the final 12 I'd probably be getting 3x more cards from. Also pretty close to 3000 more cards from pack overall for the same money. I know first hand that 3000 card in splinterlands can change a persons life.
When I made the decision to just buy the packs, the only question I asked myself was "Is 155 packs plus all the airdrops worth $3000?" and the answer was an easy yes. Didn't really occur to me until after I bought them just how much more I could have gotten out of that $3000 had I managed it better.
Now I'm thinking that's probably an opportunity I can't miss so if these first packs pay off, I'll probably just got ahead and buy 500-750 more packs and really blow up my deck.
Just trying to figure out how I want to pay for it. Options are outside cash, save up my DEC for a while, sell the round two vouchers for what every they are worth, or start selling cards from the first 155 packs.
My theory is they will spike in the beginning since so little access will be out there to the new cards. Then they will dip as access broadens and then they will start sloping upward again as the packs run out. That makes me think I should maybe sell the cards I get in the beginning and buy them back over the next few months cheaper and use the remaining funds to buy more packs.
Everything is a choice in Splinterlands