Emotional and love story of a South Korean film "Crash landing on you" this is about a lady that was kept safe by a North Korean commander till she returned to her country after the war,
Emotional and love story of a South Korean film "Crash landing on you" this is about a lady that was kept safe by a North Korean commander till she returned to her country after the war,
character is very important in life, it was her quality character that drew the commander to sacrifice so much to save her from being killed, that led to him loving her dearly, very spell bounding film, try watching it.
I loved that series. I watched it completely in a weekend.
Ok, thank you!
Really? What made the commander to protect her?
Read on in my second thread, she had a lovely character, the commander decided to save her even if it's against his job etiquette, he sacrificed so much pleasures making sure she went back to her own country alive .
Everyone has been talking about this movie lately. I'll check it out