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RE: NFTs On Hive: A Look At The Overall Market And Where Hive Fits In

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Loads of NFTs are coming out in the market and one really has to know which ones are worth investing in to. Too often, many just jump in with the thought of making a quick buck only to be disappointed later.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You make money buying them underpriced and realize the gains selling them again. Same old game game, different looks. Those 2-3c$ cards in Splinterlands, they will go up to a dollar if the game keeps going.

That's right. And you mentioned about Splinterlands, I have yet to check the game or their cards even. I've been procrastinating, lol!

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Later bloomer can still become long lasting :)

That's true though, never too late to learn :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very true