
Typical move. It doesn't surprise me anymore. As usual, playing it safe. Once crypto apps turn viral, then who knows what's next? 😄

Yes and can't blame them, been there myself, playing it safe (but in a gamble kind of way, lol)

But the possibility of them getting into crypto-verse is at least not so bleak :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It reminds me of PH move when China launched the AIIB.

It's just great that PH is quite open to opportunities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know. Perhaps, it's already part of our national psyche due to our historical evolution as a people. We want to play it safe, but at the same time, we are open to changes and new opportunities.

Yep, it's a good mix :) Not too aggressive but open to possibilities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta