in LeoFinance7 months ago (edited)

​Good Morning 🌞 my beloved ones. How are you all doing today? I hope you had a good night? Mine was awesome and am grateful for that today. It's a new week to be happy and thankful to God for the gift of life he gave to us once more. Seeing how the world is people try in one way or the tp other to deprive our happiness from us.

Have you ever seen a door slam shut in your face only to find out that it was the best thing that could happen to you? Imagine you are in a world where everyone no do not push you down or make you feel downhearted rather it prepares your path to moving forward and serves as a stepping stone for you. Dealing with rejection is an inevitable part of life that can be challenging but ultimately offers opportunities for growth, resilience, and self-discovery for one. In the world we are rejection seems to be as a normal lifestyle for some people not considering how the person they did that to is going to feel. Today I will love to discuss about 4 way in which we can deal with such problem when they occur

Acknowledge Your Feelings:
It's natural to feel hurt, disappointed, or even angry when faced with rejection. Allow yourself to experience these emotions without judgment of why you expected to come. Acknowledge and accept your feelings as valid responses to the situation. Knowing that no matter what you would have done things might still going to turn up to be as it is will definitely help you in accepting the situation as a fact. And understanding that the sometimes the universal answer to bo is a hidden yes to something greater will help you to accept the fact.

Gain Perspective:
Try to gain perspective on the rejection by reminding yourself that it is not a reflection of your worth as a person. Rejection is often subjective and influenced by various factors beyond your control. Separating your self-esteem from the outcome can help you maintain a healthy sense of self-worth and there promoting your self worth.

Learn from the Experience:
Learning as they said is a continuous procees. Use rejection as an opportunity for learning and personal growth. Seeing it as an opportunity for personal growth will help you to see the issue as a learning tool not a harming situation. Reflect on the situation to identify any potential areas for improvement or lessons to be learned. Embrace feedback constructively and view rejection as a stepping stone toward future success.

Maintain Resilience:
Cultivate resilience by adopting a positive mindset and refusing to let rejection define you. Focus on your strengths, accomplishments, and goals to bolster your confidence and perseverance. Remember that setbacks are temporary and can ultimately make you stronger and more resilient.

Ignore them too
Sometimes life will decide to give you a cold shoulder. When it does don't shrink back rather rise above it. If you consider what it means by rejection it means that the person decide that you are not worth their time which is their lost not yours. So therefore if you take the initiative of choosing not to engage with them it simple shows that you are worth more than their thing. And this will serve as placing a mirror in front of them showing them their misbehavior towards you. Doing this may not be easy but by doing this by doing things like focus on your life, your goals, your happiness and dive in into things that interest you like reading, learning new skill, traveling will help you to do this without enriching yourself bitterness.

By embracing rejection as a normal part of life and approaching it with resilience, self-reflection, and also remembering that at some time's the universe is always going to give you "no" as an answer will help you in knowing on how to react when being faced with opposition or rejection by other people besides. You can navigate setbacks with grace and emerge stronger and more empowered to pursue your goals and live happy life no matter what might be brought up I front of you.
Thank you all for your time and I hope to see you next week.
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