
No job after graduation, she decided to get herself equipped through a free skill aquisation but failed because of cost. #gosh #gmfrens

If you don't have a skill after graduating from high school if will be very difficult for you to cope because the rate of unemployment in Nigeria is not funny

It is really a painful thing to graduate with no prospects of jobs. And no money to acquire technical skills. I encourage youths like this not to give. They might look for small thing to engage and raise money for skill acquisition.

How do this youths source up money to start up something, since banks do not give out loan without collateral.

Unemployment has rendered many of our graduates jobless, it could be frustrating you know that's why many have opted to acquire skills instead

Acquiring skill is one of the options graduates instead of venturing into unthinkable activities.

If only this would happen, we are sure of having responsible youths here in Nigeria