This is the reporting of the status of HoneySaver Funds for the 3rd week of January 2021. Currently, there is a total of 2606.05979 HIVE invested into the funds generating a monthly interest of around 32.57575 HIVE. As of today, here is the chart of the token holdings. We bought another 180 SHARE tokens to add to our holdings.
The pie chart below shows where the funds are distributed across different tokens. At present, still, majority of funds were invested in STEEM, and income is generated through delegation in Dlease. We have bought some INDEX and BRO tokens to add to our holdings.
The main currency for HoneySaver Funds is the HIVE token. However, it is also important to know the current value of the funds in terms of US Dollars. The table below shows the present valuation of the significant token holdings of the fund.
As of today, liquidity still stands at three (3) percent of all the invested funds. By middle of 2021, the target liquidity is 25 percent.
Thank you for your time. The funds may be operating privately but we hope that you will learn something from these regular updates that we intend to do on weekly basis.
HoneySaver Funds is a private investment initiative started by @leoneil to help his circle of friends in Hive to provide returns of their idle Hive assets sitting in their accounts. The funds update will be done on the 1st, 15th, 22nd, and last day of each month.
"Don't look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!" — John Bogle
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta